Chronology of World War II

February 1942

Sunday, February 8th

Air Operations, Pacific

  • The Japanese bomb Surabaya, Java. 51 people are killed and 54 are injured in the bombing.
  • 9 5th Air Force B-17s based at Java/Singosari Airdrome attempt to attack Celebes/Kendari Airdrome, but they are met over the Java Sea by as many as 12 Japanese fighters. 6 of the B-17s are lost against claims by bomber gunners amounting to 5 A6M 'Zeros'.
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Battle of the Atlantic

U-108 sinks the British steamer Ocean Venture (7174t) near Cape Hatteras with the loss of 31 of her crew. 14 survivors are picked up by the American destroyer Roe (DD-418).

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The Japanese land at Makassar.


Eastern Front


Lead elements of the 1st Shock and 11th Armies link up near Saluchi and Ramushevo on the Lovat, encircling the II Corps and part of the X Corps of the 16th Army. Over 90,000 men in the 12th, 30th, 32nd, 123rd and 290th Infantry Divisions and part of the 3rd SS Motorized Division Totenkopf are cut off in the Valdai Hills and become reliant upon Luftwaffe supply drops. It is estimated that the trapped force needs a minimum of 200 tons of supplies per day to stay in action. The Luftwaffe will succeed in reaching this figure and on some days exceed it by upwards of 100 tons. The surrounding Soviet forces, despite having suffered heavy casualties during the fighting, launch strong attacks upon the German pocket. There is further heavy fighting around Kholm as Group Scherer is pounded by elements of 3rd Shock Army.

The isolation of the X Corps around Demyansk was crucial in a number of respects. Primarily it proved that the Red Army was able to effectively carry out an offensive operation which led to the isolation of sizeable enemy forces. At this early stage of the campaign, however, the Soviet forces laced both the expertise and the strength needed to destroy the surrounded units.
Secondly, the pocket presented the Germans with a unique problem. A force of nearly 100,000 men had never been supplied solely from the air and the airlift that followed was to lay the foundation for a defeat of catastrophic proportions later in the year. Had Demyansk not occurred, Hitler's decision to accept Göring's assurances over the success of the Stalingrad airlift might never have been taken. Little did the combatants realize the importance of this diversionary battle.

The Soviets press the LIX Corps hard as the fighting at Velizh, Demidov, Dukhovschina and Velikiye Luki intensifies.

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Germany, Home Front

Fritz Todt, Minister of Armaments and Munitions

Fritz Todt, Minister of Armaments and Munitions
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After dark and following a considerable bombardment, Japanese troops of the 5th, 18th and Imperial Guards Divs make successful landings on Singapore. The landings are made in the northwest of the island in the sector defended by 22nd Australian Bde. Despite tenacious resistance they establish a strong bridgehead and advance towards Tengah airfield, the biggest on the island. The garrison of the island is about 85,000 strong, including administrative units. The attacking Japanese force is considerably smaller. The guns of the Singapore fortress can only make a small contribution to the defense because their positions and the ammunition supplied are designed with a seaborne attack in mind.



The British submarine Upholder sinks the Italian steamer Salpi (2710t) off Cape San Vito, Sicily.

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New Britain

The Japanese take Gasmata.

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The Japanese destroyer Natsushio is sunk by the US submarine S-37 in Makassar Strait, Dutch East Indies area.

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Gen Masaharu Homma, commanding Japanese forces on Luzon, discontinues his main attacks and orders a general withdrawal to new positions while awaiting further reinforcements. The Americans try to cut off the two enemy salients which had landed on the rugged west coast in late January, and complete the annihilation of the Point Quinauan bridgehead. There are 900 Japanese killed in the operation; the Americans and Filipinos lose 500.

In a proposal to the US President Manual Quezon says his country should become independent, that both Japanese and US forces should withdraw, and that Filipino units be disbanded. Roosevelt rejects a proposal that the Philippines should be declared an independent neutral state.

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During the evening the Japanese 5th and 18th Divisions cross into Singapore from the opposite direction of the previous night's feint attack. The move inland and take the vital British air base at Tengeh.

Firefighters Battle the Results of a Japanese Air Raid

Firefighters Battle the Results of a Japanese Air Raid

Japanese Light Tanks at the Johore End of the Causeway

Japanese Light Tanks at the Johore End of the Causeway

Japanese Trucks Crossing to Singapore Island

Japanese Trucks Crossing to Singapore Island
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Spanish Morocco

Martial law is declared in Tangier.


[February 7th - February 9th]