Chronology of World War II

January 1942

Friday, January 30th

Battle of the Atlantic

U-106 sinks the American tanker Rochester (6836t) 85 miles east of Chesapeake Lightship with the loss of 4 crewmen. 31 survivors are picked up by the American destroyer Roe.

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The Japanese 55th Div begins attacks on Moulmein and capture the airport. In the drive toward Rangoon, the Japanese forge three other lines of advance. In these advances, several major Allied air bases fall into Japanese hands. These include Tenasserim, Tavoy and Martaban effectively severing the British India-Burma lifeline. Only 35 Allied aircraft remain in Burma to face more than 150 Japanese air opponents.

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Dutch East Indies

Amboina, the second largest naval base in the Dutch East Indies, is attacked by the Japanese. The Dutch and Australian garrison is quickly overcome.

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Eastern Front


Heavy fighting rages along the southern shore of Lake Ilmen as the 34th Army and the 3rd Shock Army attack the left flank of the 16th Army. With the arrival of the 1st Shock Army during the first days of February, the Soviet offensive to isolate and destroy the II Corps in the Demyansk sector will begin in earnest.


The threat to the northern flank of Army Group Center grows as Soviet units, having bypassed Velizh, move toward Demidov. The LIX Corps throws units out along an increasing line in order to shore up the flank of the army group and prevent Soviet forces flooding into the rear. Heavy fighting continues around Velizh as the 30,000 troops of the 4th Shock Army attempts to storm the town being held by 3,000 German defenders. Sinzinger holds out against the odds, repulsing each new attack.

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Germany, Home Front

In Berlin Hitler speaks on the ninth anniversary of coming to power; he calls Roosevelt a 'mad fool' and speaks of ridding Europe of all Jews. He says, 'They rightfully hate us, just as much as we hate them. . . . We are well and(??) declares, 'The Jews are the ones who will be finally destroyed. This war will be fought in the true Biblical manner - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'

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Indian Ocean

I-64 sinks the Indian steamer Jalatarang (2498t) east of Chennai, India with the loss of 38 of her crew. There are 11 survivors.

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The 22nd Indian Bde is still cut off by the enemy advance and some of their units are taken to Singapore by sea. Since the danger from enemy air attack is so great, it is decided to transfer all air force units to the Dutch East Indies except for one fighter squadron.

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The British submarine Thorn sinks the Italian submarine Medusa in the Adriatic Sea.

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Japanese pressure on the American positions on Bataan is maintained. As well as striking against the main defense lines, amphibious landings have been made at various points on the coast. The Japanese establish a bridgehead across the Pilar River. The defenders try in vain to eliminate this bridgehead as well as the one at Point Quintauan.

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[January 29th - January 31st]