Chronology of World War II

January 1941

Sunday, January 19th

German Anti-Aircraft Guns

German Anti-Aircraft Guns

Axis Diplomacy

Hitler and Mussolini meet at the Berghof in Berchtesgaden. Mussolini is unwilling to accept German help in Albania but is prepared to accept some aid in Africa. Hitler says that he will attack Greece if it seems that Britain is going to come in. It is agreed the 2 divisions will be sent to Africa at the earliest time and help in Greece will begin in April.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer Bonnington Court (4909t) is sunk by German bombing near Sunk Light Vessel with the loss of 2 crewmen.

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The Blitz

Swansea is the target of a 5-hour bombardment. Southampton is also by 62 aircraft of Luftflotte III led by 6 pathfinders of KG26. 3/4 of the town had been destroyed on previous attacks, but more damages is done to houses, shops and offices. 14 fires are started. The Southern Railway Locomotive Works at Eastleigh is hit. Little damage, however, is done to the docks and factories. Casualties are light.

London is hit by 50 bombers who follow 2 Stukas each carrying an SC1000 bomb. 50 tons of high explosives and 12,000 incendiaries are dropped altogether. There is little industrial damage done by the raid. Beckton Gas Works is hit, but supplies are barely affected.

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The Nationalist Chinese disband the Communist New 4th Army in Yangtse Valley following a serious outbreak of fighting.

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Italian East Africa

The British forces in the Sudan open an offensive against the Italians in Eritrea. The British force is led by Lt-Gen Sir William Platt and includes 4th and 5th Indian Divs under Generals Beresford-Pierse and Heath and units of the Sudan Defense Force. The Italian troops in the various border positions and in the area of Kassala amount to 17,000 men and are led by Gen Luigi Frusci. There is the equivalent of 4 more divs in the interior of the country. Attacking from the Sudan the British unit meet little resistance as the Italians retreat to better defensive positions. Kassala is taken immediately.

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  • There are further air attacks on Malta by the Germans. The carrier Illustrious is hit again but not seriously.
  • The Italian submarine Neghelli is sunk by the British destroyer Greyhound off Crete.
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[January 18th - January 20th]