Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Saturday, December 28th

Axis Diplomacy

The Italians, in a direct plea from Mussolini to Hitler, ask for German help in Albania. The Führer declines to become involved, having committed himself to drives into Greece via other routes. Also, he is becoming restless with Italian failures and has no desire to be dragged down by their sub-standard performance.

[larr1larr | rarrrarr2]

The Blitz

Plymouth is the target as 21 aircraft of 'Fire-raiser'groups scatter 12,500 incendiaries across the city. There are 45 casualties. Although there is much damage to homes, shops and hospitals, little disruption occurs in the port itself.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks bring their offensive to an end for the moment in order to consolidate their gains and improve communications with the front.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Japan, Home Front

In an effort to make its petroleum supplies last, Japan begins a substitute fuel program to power private automobiles. Charcoal is to be the prime replacement for gasoline.

A Patrol of British Hurricanes

A Patrol of British Hurricanes

Secret War

The Gelsenkirchen Report says that the RAF mission of December 24, to destroy the Ruhr synthetic oil plant, was not successful.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[December 27th - December 29th]