Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Saturday, December 21st

Air Operations, Europe

The is an RAF night raid on the Porto Marghera docks and oil installations near Venice.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • In German air raids on Liverpool British steamer Silvio (1293t) is sunk with the loss of 1 crewmen.
  • British steamer Innisfallen (3071t) sinks on a mine at the entrance to Canada Dock, River Mersey with the loss of 4 of her crew.
  • U-65 sinks the Panamanian tanker Charles Pratt (8982t) 220 miles off Freetown. 2 of the crew are lost, 40 survivors are picked up by the British ships Gascony and Langleegorse.
  • The Italian submarine Mocenigo attacks Convoy OG-47 and sinks the Swedish steamer Mangen (1253t) with the loss of 8 crewmen. Survivors are picked up by the Swedish steamer Garm.
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The Blitz

On the second of 2 consecutive nights, Liverpool is hit by 300 aircraft of Luftflotte III. 280 tons of high explosives and 33,000 incendiaries are dropped on Liverpool and Birkenhead. Serious fires are started on the King's, Prince's, Canada, Brocklebank and Gladstone Docks but the port's capacity to move trade was soon restored. The Liverpool to Leeds Canal is breached flooding the LMS Goods Station at Canada Dock. 74 people are killed in the Ansfield District when a shelter receives a direct hit. In the 2 nights 702 people are killed.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • Switzerland cuts off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
  • Germany protests to the US about its pro-British attitude.
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German Raiders

The German diguised raiders Komet and Orion land 496 survivors, which includes 70 women and 7 children, from 10 British and Allied merchant ships, sunk since August, on Emirau Island in New Guinea. The survivors are subsequently rescued by the Royal Australian Navy.

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Aircraft from the British carrier Illustrious attack an Italian convoy east of Kerkanah Bay and sink the Italian steamers Norge (6511t) and Peuceta (1926t).

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[December 20th - December 22nd]