Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Friday, December 6th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Supremity (554t) sinks on a mine west-southwest of East Oaze Light Vessel in the Thames Estuary.
  • U-43 sinks the Norwegian steamer Skrim (1902t) west of Ireland with the loss of her entire crew of 23.
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The Blitz

Bristol is the target on this night. There is extensive damage in the city, especially to the railways and power supplies, but the civilian defenses are coping well with the emergencies.

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Diplomatic Relations

Thailand and Japan sign a friendship treaty.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greek advance north along the coast continues to go well. Sarandë is taken. In the Macedonian sector the Greeks advance along the valleys towards Elbasan.

Moving Equipment Near the Front

Moving Equipment Near the Front
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German Raiders

The German raider Orion sinks the Australian steamer Triona (4413t) near Nauru Island in the South Pacific with the loss of 4 aboard. The survivors are made prisoners of war.

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Italy, Command

Marshal Pietro Badoglio resigns his post as Italian Commander-in-Chief in the wake of the military disaster in Greece. His successor is General Count Ugo Cavallero.

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North Africa

In the first significant British land advance of the war, Wavell moves 31,000 men forward some 36 miles in Cyrenaica.

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[ December 5th - December 7th]