Chronology of World War II

November 1940

Thursday, November 28th


German destroyers carry out the second of 2 sorties off Plymouth, the first being November 24. During the raids 4 coasters are sunk and the British destroyer Javelin is damaged by a torpedo.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-103 sinks the British steamer St Elwyn (4940t) and the Greek steamer Mount Athos (3578t) about 500 miles east of Bishop Rock. 24 crewmen are lost from the St Elwyn and 19 from the Greek ship. 16 survivors from the British ship are picked up by the British steamer Leeds City. 9 survivors from the Mount Athos are picked up by the British destroyer Vanquisher.

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The Blitz

Liverpool is attacked in an 8 hour raid which begins at 7:15p.m. 8 He-111s from II/KG55 drop flares and bombs to mark the target for over 300 German bombers to follow. They drop about 350 tons of high explosives and 30,000 incendiaries. There is widespread damage to private and commercial property. Almost 300 people are killed. A parachute mine explosion hits a school in Durning Road trapping several hundred people in a shelter below the building. Of these victims 164 die and 96 are seriously injured. Public utility service are badly hit but comparatively little damage is done in the dock area.

Edge Hill Disaster

Edge Hill Disaster
During the night of 28 November 1940 approximately 300 people were tightly packed into the shelter in the basement of the Ernest Brown Junior Instructional Centre in Durning Road, Edge Hill. It was the boiler room, chosen because it had a reinforced ceiling with metal girders running across it. A parachute mine hit the three-storey building, it collapsed into the shelter below, crushing many of its occupants. If that scenario were not bad enough the situation was exacerbated when boiling water from the central heating system poured into the basement, and at the same time gas pipes fractured. More than 160 men, women and children were killed, many were buried alive and The horror devastated the tight-knit community around Edge Lane. One local family, the Lucas's lost four children in the tragedy leaving their bereaved mother unable to speak for six months afterwards. It took two days to pull the bodies out from the shelter and in the end, for fear of disease, the remaining bodies that could not be recovered were covered with lime and the basement was sealed.
Commissioned artist Ethel Gabain, appointed by the Ministry of Information to record the travesty of war, 28 November 1940.

Commissioned Artist Ethel Gabain

Commissioned artist Ethel Gabain

Spitfires intercept an Me-109 formation off the Isle of Wight. Flight-Lt John Dundas shoots down leading German ace Maj Helmut Wick (56 victories) but is killed himself moments later.

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[ November 27th - November 29th]