Chronology of World War II

October 1940

Wednesday, October 2nd

Battle of Britain

Day 85

Weather - Generally fine in all areas with some cloud later in the day.

Combat - Just after 0900hrs and during the following hour, two raids cross over Kent towards the southern areas of London. Ju-88's, Do-17's and Me-109's make up the raids and are intercepted by Hurricanes of No: 17, 253, 501 and 605 Squadrons and Spitfires of No: 41, 66, 602 and 603 Squadrons.

At about 1130hrs another raid approaches the Maidsto ??ne area and Margate, where bombs are dropped. Due to the high altitude of the bombers, the Fighter Command squadrons scrambled to intercept could not reach the raiders before they have turned back to France.

During the early part of the afternoon several small raids cross over Dungeness but turn away before reaching their targets. Just before 1630hrs another raid of He-111's and Me-109's is plotted over Kent on, scrambled from Hornchurch intercept some of the raiders. Meanwhile, off the Lincolnshire coast at Skegness, He-111's are engaged by the Hurricanes of No: 151 Squadron scrambled from Digby.

Shortly before 1930hrs, a convoy is attacked off Peterhead and the He-115 responsible is intercepted and shot down by Hurricanes of No: 145 Squadron.

During the night the regular bombing of London continues with further raids on the areas of Newcastle, the Midlands and Manchester. Mines are dropped in the Humber and Thames Estuary.

R.A.F. Losses: 5 aircraft damaged or destroyed, no pilots killed and 2 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 20 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 32 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and no reported wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-32 sinks the British steamer Kayeson (4606t) west of Ireland with the loss of her entire crew of 38.
  • The British steamer Latymer (2218t) is sunk by German bombing 4 miles west of Skelligs. The entire crew is rescued.
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Britain, Home Front

Naval and air force drafts arrive from New Zealand.

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Churchill decides to reopen the Burma Road as of October 17.

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Germany, Planning

Hitler is still hoping to carry out an invasion of England, although his army and navy commanders advise him to abandon the project rather that expose the craft gathered in European ports to additional British bombing.

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The British destroyers Havock and Hasty sink the Italian submarine Berrilo south of Crete. 45 of her crew are rescued.

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[ October 1st - October 3rd]