Chronology of World War II

October 1940

Tuesday, October 1st

Battle of Britain

Day 84

Weather - Generally cloudy over the country but fair.

Combat - At about 1030hrs a raid of Me-110's and Me-109's have been plotted on radar approaching the Dorset coast near Swanage. Hurricanes of No: 238 Squadron, scramble from Middle Wallop and No: 607 Squadron, scrambles from Tangmere, intercepts the raid over Poole with each squadron losing 2 aircraft.

Between 1300hrs and 1430hrs, two small raids of Me-109's sweep across Kent towards the Maidstone and Biggin Hill areas. Spitfires of No: 41, 72, 92 and 603 Squadrons along with Hurricanes of No: 253, 303, 501 and 605 Squadrons are scrambled to meet the raiders with successful interceptions made by Spitfires of No: 41 Squadron, from Hornchurch and Hurricanes of No: 303 (Polish) Squadron, from Northolt.

Shortly after 1600hrs another raid of about 70 aircraft cross the Kent coast and makes for the area around Kenley, but turn back before any RAF squadrons can intercept.

The remaining daylight hours sees only occasional reconnaissance raids along the coast and over southern England.

During the night raids are made against London, Bristol, the Midlands, East Anglia, Liverpool, Manchester and Preston areas. Mines are dropped off the east coast and in the Thames Estuary.

R.A.F. Losses: 8 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 4 pilots killed or missing and 2 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 14 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 16 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 3 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-32 attacks the Dutch steamer Haulerwijk (3278t) about 660 miles west of Ireland. About 7 hours after the first attack the U-boat sinks the steamer with gunfire with the loss of 4 crewmen. 27 survivors make it in lifeboats.
  • U-38 sinks the British steamer Highland Patriot (14,172t) 500 miles west of Bishop Rock with the loss of 3 of her crew. 136 crew members and 33 passengers are picked up by the British sloop Wellington.
  • The Italian submarine Baracca sinks the Greek steamer Aghios Nicolaos (3687t) about 300 miles off Lisbon.
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Weihaiwei is occupied by the Japanese.

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The Germans and Finns reach an agreement beneficial to both and strengthen their relationship. The Germans will send arms to Finland and the Germans will be allowed to purchase nickel produced in the mines of the Petsamo region.

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The cruisers Gloucester and Liverpool land 1,200 British troop reinforcements on Malta.

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Occupied Poland

In Operation OTTO Germany uses slave labor to work on road and rail links to the USSR.

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[ September 30th - October 2nd]