Chronology of World War II

September 1940

Wednesday, September 11th


Although the ships of British Force M are about 300 miles northeast of Dakar, it is learned that a French force of 3 cruisers and 3 destroyers has left Toulon and is headed southwest also towards Dakar. It is believed the French force has the intention of resisting the landing of Gen de Gaulle's Free French volunteers.

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Battle of Britain

Day 64

Weather - Mainly fine with some scattered showers. Cloud over the Channel and Thames Estuary.

Combat - Due to bad weather throughout the morning the Luftwaffe withholds its planned raids and only sends reconnaissance aircraft over the Channel.

As the weather clears in the afternoon, large formations of bombers are being assembled over France and make a course for London. At about 1530hrs, the first raid of He-111's, Me-109's and Me-110's is over the Thames Estuary and Fighter Command reacts. The Me-109's are by now running low on fuel after furious battles with Spitfires of No: 41 and 92 Squadrons and Hurricanes of No: 1 (Canadian) Squadron. With the fighter escort turning for home, the He-111's and remaining Me-110's are attacked from all sides by Hurricanes of No: 17, 46, 56, 73, 229, 249, 303 (Polish), 501 and 504 Squadrons and Spitfires of No: 19, 66, 222, 602 and 611 Squadrons.

While massive aerial battles are being fought over London and surrounding counties, a raid is made on Portsmouth and Southampton by Ju-88's, Me-109's and Me-110's. Interceptions are made by Hurricanes of No: 213 Squadron, scrambling from Exeter, on the fighter escorts off the Isle of Wight whilst the Hurricanes of No: 238 Squadron, scrambling from Middle Wallop engage the bombers.

Later at about 1700hrs, a raid of Me109's and Me-110's sweep across Kent and is met by Spitfires of No: 92 and 266 Squadrons after bombs have been dropped on Dover.

During the evening at about 2000hrs, Blenheims of No: 235 Squadron scramble from Thorney Island and mount a bombing raid on the docks at Calais, Dunkirk, Le Harvre and Boulogne. They succeed in inflicting heavy damage on the invasion barges being assembled before the Me-109's of JG26, led by Adolf Galland, attack them.

Throughout the night bombing raids are made on London, Liverpool, the Midlands, the Bristol Channel area and South Wales. Mines are also dropped in the Thames Estuary, along the Sussex coast, off Aberdeen and Northumberland.

R.A.F. Losses: 43 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 17 pilots and aircrew (Blenheims) killed or missing and 11 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 49 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 64 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 14 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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The Blitz

German bombers hit several cities including Hull, St Helens, Warrington, Cardiff, Plymouth and Marlow. In a raid on London 235 civilians are killed and 1,000 injured.

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Britain, Home Front

The Air Raid Relief Fund is opened by the Lord Mayor of London. 5 million pounds is received by October 5.

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North Africa

The Italian offensive in Egypt begins. Marshal Graziani can call on 13 divisions while Great Britain's Western Desert Force, under Gen O'Connor, has only 2.

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[ September 10th - September 12th]