Chronology of World War II

August 1940

Thursday, August 22nd

Air Operations, Europe

British bombers raid industrial targets in Cologne and Frankfurt.

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Battle of Britain

Day 44

Weather - Cloudy with rain throughout the day.

Combat - The weather again restricts air activity until early afternoon when Me-109's sweep in over Kent. Spitfires of No: 610 Squadron manage to intercept. Later at about 1630hrs Ju-88's approach the Isle of Wight and are met by Spitfires of No: 152 Squadron and Hurricanes of No: 213 Squadron.

As evening approaches, the Luftwaffe launches small raids. A raid of Me-110's and Me-109's is scrambled to attack Manston airfield with considerable success. Spitfires of No: 65 Squadron scramble from Manston and Spitfires of No: 616 Squadron, scrambling from Kenley, meet the raiders over Dover on their return journey. Meanwhile, off the Yorkshire coast, the Polish pilots and Hurricanes of No: 302 Squadron are engaging a small raid of Ju-88's.

During the night many small raids are plotted over most areas with more attacks against Manston airfield.

R.A.F. Losses: 7 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 2 pilots were killed and 1 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 9 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 13 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 2 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer Thorold (1689t) is sunk by German bombing about 2 miles south of Smalls. 11 of the crew are lost.

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Diplomatic Relations

Britain pledges military support for Greece if the Axis powers attack.

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English Channel

German super-heavy artillery bombards a convoy for 80 minutes, but scores no hits. The fire is switched to the town of Dover in the evening. A British 14-inch gun replies. The is the first of many cross-Channel 'duels'.

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Italy, Planning

Mussolini orders all preparations for war against Greece to be postponed sine die.

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[ August 21st - August 23rd]