W August 9, 1940

Chronology of World War II

August 1940

Friday, August 9th

Battle of Britain

Day 31

Weather - Cloudy with showers in most areas and occasional bright intervals. Cloudy in the Channel.

Combat - The weather restricts air activity with a small number of raids during the morning, which sees Hurricanes of No: 213 Squadron intercept a Ju-88 off Yeovil and Hurricanes of No: 79 Squadron attack He-111's off Sunderland after the docks have been successfully bombed.

Another raid by Ju-88's, during the afternoon near Falmouth is met by Hurricanes of No: 234 and 601 Squadrons while Spitfires of No: 64 Squadron scramble from Kenley to intercept a raid on Dover harbour by Me-109's.

During the night raids are plotted throughout the country along with more mines being dropped around the coastlines.

R.A.F. Losses: 5 aircraft damaged or destroyed with 1 pilot killed.

Luftwaffe Losses: 8 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 9 pilots and aircrew killed or missing with 3 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-30 sinks the Swedish steamer Canton (5779t) 70 miles west of Tory Island. 16 of the 32 crew members are lost.

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Because of pressing manpower needs elsewhere, the British government announces that is abandoning the British presence in Shanghai and Tientsin province. The forces concerned move out later in the month.

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France, Politics

Gen de Gaulle announces that he has the support of the French New Hebrides colony. Later in the month Chad, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroun and several of the French Pacific islands also declare for the Free French. The leader of the Free French forces who brings the Cameroons over to de Gaulle is Capt Philippe de Hautecloque who will later change his name and be better known as Leclerc. This is in order to avoid persecution of his family. Another prominent officer who joins de Gaulle is Gen Edgar de Larminat who is is command at Brazzaville.

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[ August 8th - August 10th]