Chronology of World War II

July 1940

Tuesday, July 30th

Battle of Britain

Day 21

Weather - Unsettled over the country with low cloud and rain.

Combat - The poor weather once again keeps raids by the Luftwaffe to a minimum. There are, however, a few engagements for Fighter Command with the first involving Spitfires of No: 603 Squadron attacking a small raid of He111's off Montrose with success just after midday. Later, at about 1530hrs Hurricanes of No: 85 Squadron intercept Me-110's off the Suffolk coast near Southwold.

A small raid appears over Surrey during early evening with bombs being dropped on several areas near Esher, Chessington and Tolworth. Also, the same raiders attack a balloon barrage.

The night-time activities also prove very quiet with raids plotted over Plymouth, Dorset, Devon, The Midlands and South Wales. During one of these raids, near Bristol, anti-aircraft fire claims a He-111 bomber.

R.A.F. Losses: 2 aircraft damaged or destroyed with no casualties.

Luftwaffe Losses: 11 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 24 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 1 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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France, Politics

France annouces the demobilization of the French North African and Syrian armies.

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[ July 29th - July 31st]