Chronology of World War II

March 1940

Saturday, March 9th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Chevy Chase (2719t) from sinks on a mine near Cromer Knoll. This is a result of the German destroyer mine-laying operation of 9 February. The entire crew is picked up by the British trawler Monimia.
  • In a German minelaying operation the naval auxiliary Schiff 11 (the former Estonian steamer Hanonia), disguised as a neutral, ship lays mines off North Foreland. 5 ships of 14,152 tons will be lost in this minefield.
  • U-14 sinks the British steamers Borthwick (1097t), Akeld (643t) and Abbotsford (1585t) in the North Sea. The entire crew of the Borthwick is rescued by a Dutch coast guard cutter, but there are no survivors from the other 2 vessels. 13 are lost from the Akeld and 19 from the Abbotsford.
  • U-28 sinks the Greek steamer P. Margaronis (4979t) southwest of Lands End with the loss of the entire crew of 30.
  • U-38 sinks the British trawler Leukos (216t) northwest of Tory Island losing all 11 crewmen.
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Diplomatic Relations

  • A compromise is reached between Britain and Italy over the 'Coal Ships Affair' of Mar 7. The colliers will be released but Italy must find an alternative (overland) supply route from the German coalfields.
  • Britain and France pledge troops and planes to support Finland.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 101

An attack in the morning by two Soviet divisions break through the Finnish defenses in Tali. The Finnish battalion defending here loses 44 per cent of its strength. Despite heavy losses, the Finns attempt a counterattack about 2:00p.m. but without success. Tali village falls to the Soviets. In the evening the Finnish troops regroup in defensive formations on a line cutting through the southern head of Lake Leitimojärvi and the eastern head of Lake Kärstilänjärvi.

Finnish Aircraft Strike

Finnish Aircraft Strike

In Taipale, the Finns manage to evacuate the Terenttilä stronghold without the Russians realizing what is going on. The Finnish force in Viipurinlahti Bay withdraws from Lihaniemi promontory and Hapenensaari and Piispansaari Islands. On the western side of the bay the Soviets cut the new trunk road from Viipuri to Säkkijärvi. In the Kollaa sector in the Ladoga Karelia the Russian offensive continues. The strongholds change hands several times during the course of the day. By midnight the entire main defensive line is back in Finnish hands. A Finnish communiqué admits that the Russians have established a bridgehead on the northwest shore of Viipuri Bay but claims all other sectors of the Karelian Isthmus front remain intact. However, Gen Mannerheim states that the Finnish army is no longer able to hold its positions and asks the politicians to come to terms with the enemy.

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[ Mar 8th - Mar 10th]