Battle of the Atlantic
Finland - Winter WarDay 100To block the Russian advance, the Finnish defenders attempt to dam the waterways to the northeast of Viipuri and manage finally to flood the area. The Soviets capture part of Viipuri. Their pressure on the Finnish defenses northeast of the city is beginning to wear down the Finnish resistance. The USSR turns down a Finnish request for an immediate armistice. Soviet troops on the Isthmus reach the Finnish support line in Tali. The Finns in Viipurinlahti Bay are forced to evacuate Suonionsaari and Ravansaari Islands. On the mainland the Soviets consolidate their bridgeheads at Niskapohja, Vilaniemi and Häräpääniemi. In Vuosalmi the Russians dig in on the northern bank of the Vuoksi.
In Taipale, the Finns pull back their positions in the Terenttilä sector. In the north the Finns take the eastern Luelahti 'motti' in Kuhmo. General Headquarters orders the evacuation of the Mantsi Islands at the eastern end of Lake Ladoga. Large quantities of French arms, ammunition and aircraft (175) are now en route to Finland. The Finnish negotiators in Moscow meet the Soviet negotiating team at 4:00p.m. The Soviet team consists of Molotov, Andrei Zdanov and Gen Vasilevski. The Finns are disappointed in not seeing Stalin present. [ | ] |
[ Mar 7th - Mar 9th] |