Chronology of World War II

January 1940

Thursday, January 11th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British trawler Lucida (251t) sinks on a mine off Newcastle with the loss of 1 crewmen. This is a result of the German destroyer minelaying operation off Newcastle the previous night.
  • The Italian steamer Traviata (5123t) sinks on a mine 8 miles from Cromer Knoll as a result of the German destroyer minelaying operation the previous night. All of her crew are rescued.
  • The British steamer El Oso (7267t) from convoy HX-14B sinks 6 miles from Bar Light Vessel on a mine laid by U-30 on the 9th.
  • The British steamer Keynes (1706t) sinks after 2 German bombing attacks. Her entire crew is rescued.
  • The British trawler Croxton (195t) sinks after being bombed by aircraft from the Lufwaffe's X Air Corps. The entire crew is rescued.
  • U-23 sinks the Norwegian steamer Fredville (1150t) in the North Sea with the loss of 10 crewmen. 5 survivors are rescued by the British trawler May.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 43

In northern Finland Group Susi launches an offensive towards Juntusranta. On the Ladoga Karelia the Finnish IV Army Corps continues its counter-offensive. The Russian 168th Div is encircled north of Lake Ladoga. The Finns repel reinforcments while the Russians keep them supplied by air. (A Russian relief column finally breaks through on March 6). There is a new Russian drive in the Salla ('Waist') sector toward the Kemijärvi-Tornio railway (The Finns counterattack on Jan 17-18).

The Swedish volunteer air group, Flygflottilj 19, begins operations from frozen Lake Kemi with 12 Gladiators and 4 Hart light bombers. (The Swedes shoot down 12 Russians and lose 6 aircraft by Mar 13).

Collections for Defense

Collections for Defense
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France, Home Front

The government announces that Friday will be a 'meatless day' and that no beef, veal or mutton will be sold on Mondays or Tuesdays.

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[ Jan 10th - Jan 12th]