Chronology of World War II

October 1939

Thursday, October 12th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-48 severely damages the French tanker Emile Miguet (14.115t) 190 miles southwest of Fastnet. She was a straggler from convoy KJ-2. The ship catches fire and is abandoned with 1 crewman killed and 1 missing. The survivors are picked up by the American steamer Black Hawk. She is scuttled by gunfire from the British destroyer Imogen.
  • U-48 next sinks the British steamer Heronspool (5202t), a straggler from convoy OB-17, 260 miles southwest of Fastnet. The American steamer President Harding rescues the entire crew.
  • U-37 sinks the Greek steamer Aris (4810t) west of Ireland. 2 of the crew are lost, but 27 survivors are picked up by the Dutch steamer Sicilien.
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Britain, Planning

Churchill urges the mining of Norwegian waters to disrupt the flow of iron ore to Germany.


Diplomatic Relations

  • Hitler's peace proposals are rejected by Neville Chamberlain.
  • Negotiations between Russia and Finland continue. The Soviet Union sends Finland a list of territorial demands, which include a land exchange and the right to establish military bases.
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Germany, Policy

Adolf Eichmann orders the removal of Jews from Austria and Czechoslovakia into Poland.

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Western Front

The BEF is fully deployed along the Franco-Belgian border between Maulde and Halluin.

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[ Oct 11th - Oct 13th]