April 1945

Thursday, April 26th

Eastern Front


The Soviets begin the final phase of their offensive aimed at crushing the Berlin garrison. Some 460,000 soldiers, supported by 12,000 arty pieces and 1,500 tanks and Su's and the aircraft of the 16th and 18th Air Armies, hit the 300,000 German troops in the city. The Moabitt and Neukolin districts fall after hard fighting, while Potsdam is heavily attacked and Templehof airfield captured.

To the north the 3rd Belorussian Front breaks through the Oder line, Stettin falling to the 65th Army. South of Berlin, the Frankfurt-Guben group is fighting its last battle against the 3rd, 69th, 33rd, 3rd Guards and 28th Armies. The Germans launch fierce attacks west,hitting the junction of the 3rd Guards nd 28th Armies near Halbe. Farther west, the 12th Army attacks toward Berlin once again but the 13th Army inflicts crippling casualties.

The remnants of the Samland Group begin to surrender but elements continue to fight on at the tip of the Pillau Peninsula. More than 30,000 have surrendered during the fighting but nearly as many continue to fight on.


The 2nd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts rout the 8th Army around Brno, the town falling as the Germans fall back. During the battle the Soviets lose 38,000 killed and 140,000 wounded.

[ April 25th - April 27th]