April 1945

Wednesday, April 25th

Eastern Front


The 47th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front and 4th Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front link up at Ketzin near Potsdam, isolating the Berlin garrison. German itself is also split in two as the 5th Guards Army reaches the Elbe at Torgau and links up with the men of the V Corps, US 1st Army.

Around Berlin, Gatow airfield is brought under intense heavy arty fire and is put out of action. Fighting in the northern, eastern and southern suburbs also intensifies. The 12th Army renews its attack but is halted by the 13th Army. Fierce fighting rages at Beelitz, where the remnants of the Frankfurt-Guben Group are trying to break through to the west. Counterattacks by the 13th throws the 12th Army back with heavy casualties.

In East Prussian the 3rd Belorussian Front takes Pillau after a bitter 6-day battle. The remnants of Group Samland still will not give up, falling back to the narrow strip of land south of the town. Fighting in East Prussia since January has cost the 3rd Belorussian Front 89,400 killed and 332,000 wounded.


The 60th Army launches new attacks upon Moravska Ostrava while the 6th Guards Tank Army continues its battle for Brno.

[ April 24th - April 26th]