April 1945

Tuesday, April 17th

Eastern Front


The offensive toward Berlin continues as Zhukov piles more and more units up against the 9th Army on the Seelow Heights. Arty fire and air attacks hit the Germans, striking the deeply committed front-line units. German casualties are heavy, but when the 8th Guards, 5th Shock and 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Armies resume their attacks they are again held up. Busse is using the entire strength of the 9th Army at Seelow in an effort to prevent the Soviets from achieving a breakthrough. By late afternoon Seelow falls to the 8th Guards Army but the Germans merely retire to their next defensive position.

Koniev's 1st Ukrainian Front fares far better, the 13th, 3rd Guards and 5th Guards Armies punching a hole through the center of the 4th Panzer Army. With their line of advance clear, he commits the 4th Tank and 3rd Guards Tank Armies across the Niesse and toward the Spree River. Koniev requests that he be allowed to direct his attack northward to envelop the German forces at Berlin from the south. Stalin agrees, directing the 3rd Guards Tank and 4th Tank Armies move toward Zossen and Potsdam.

There is heavy fighting in East Prussia as the 3rd Belorussian Front attacks Samland Group around Pillau (now Baltaisk). Fischhausen falls after very heavy fighting.


In Austria Wilhelmsdorf and Zisterdorf falls as the 46th Army pushes the 6th SS Panzer Army back north of Vienna.

[ April 16th - April 18th]