April 1945

Monday, April 16th

Eastern Front


As Group Samland disintegrates the survivors mass at Pillau. Amid chaotic scenes Russian troops break into Fischhausen, close to Pillau. A rearguard action by the 5th Panzer Division sees the unit annihilated.

Before dawn the battle for Berlin is launched, Zhukov's 1st Belorussian Front unleashing an overwhelming arty barrage upon the German defenses on the Seelow Heights. However, Gen Heinrici has identified the preparations for the attack and skilfully withdraws hif first line back to the main line of resistance just before the arty strike begins. This spared the 9th Army many casualties during the bombardment. Following closely behind the arty fire the 5th Shock and 8th Guards Armies advance. The 8th Guards Army quickly becomes embroiled in bitter fighting with the defending Germans and grinds to a halt, Zhukov's searchlight tactic backfiring as the clouds of dust and smoke blown up by the arty fire obliterated the German positions but lit up his own units, leaving them vulnerable to German counter-fire. Despite repeated attacks the Russians fail to break the German line. In a towering rage Zhukov vents his anger on Chuikov. Furious at the delay Zhukov makes a cardinal error and orders the commitment of the armore before the main line of enemy resistance has been broken. This move predictably fails as the 1st Guards Tank Army becomes ensnared in the mother of all traffic jams behind the 8th Guards Army. The 2nd Guards Tank Army is alco committed, spreading havoc behind the 5th Shock Army. Despite these difficulties the 8th Guards manages to fight its way into Seelow, but bloody battle along the main street, the Germans firing 88s at point blank range against the Russian tanks, prevent the advance from reaching any farther. Casualties mount as German anti-tank teams, armed with the deadly Panzerfaust, pick off stranded tanks while concentrated fire from the high ground pins down the Soviet infantry.

To the south the 1st Ukrainian Front also begins its attack preceded by light arty bombardment. Smoke bombs are dropped across the river to obscure the movement of the 3rd Guards, 13th and 15th Guards Armies to the left bank. Within hours Koniev has secured a bridgehead and hastily constructs pontoons strong enough to hold his tanks. As the first-wave armies smash through the 4th Panzer Army's forward positions, the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies have begun to cross the Niesse in force.


The 3rd Ukrainian Front continues to press Army Group Ostmark back in Austria, St Polten and Furstenfeld falling after heavy fighting. The 2nd Ukrainian Front pushes closer to Brno.

[ April 14th - April 17th]