January 1945

Wednesday, January 24th

Eastern Front


Hitler learns of the fall of Loetzen and descends into a mammoth rage. Hossbach's unauthorized withdrawal is no longer a secret, and is to cost both him and Reinhardt their commands.

The 5th Guards Tank Army captures Mulhausen and moves into Elbing. Soviet tanks advance steadily through the town and reach the Frisches Nehrung at midnight, isolating the 3rd Panzer Army and 4th Army in East Prussia. Some 8 divisions of the 2nd Army, all of the 4th Army and the remnants of the 3rd Panzer Army, a force of 400,000 men, have been severed from the main combat line. With Hitler's usual hold-to-the-last-man order in force, the bulk of Army Group Center is condemned to destruction.

The 2nd Shock Army pushes toward the Vistula delta to the west of the 5th Guards Tank, attacking Weiss' 2nd Army around Marienberg. The 2nd is at this point brought under the control of new Army Group Vistula.

In Poland the 1st Ukrainian Front attacks in force into Silesia from the Oder. Gleiwitz falls to the 60th Army while the XXIVh and Grossdeutschland Panzer Corps Germans try to force the 21st Army away from Oppeln. Heavy fighting erupts but the Germans are not strong enough to dent the Soviet bridgehead. Elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army bypasses Posen, effectively isolating the German garrison.

The Soviet advance to the Baltic in East Prussia severed yet another German army group from the main combat line. Isolated, the German 4th and 2nd Armies would be systematically destroyed by the overwhelming might of the Soviet armies. The horrendous losses suffered by the German military units were mirrored by the horrors inflicted upon the civil populace as it attempted to flee the Soviet advance.

The IV SS Panzer Corps penetrates to within 20 miles of Budapest, capturing Baracska, but the Germans are spent. Increasingly fierce resistance by the 4th Guards Army combine with the terrible ground conditions, and a catastrophic supply situation all play their part in breaking the momentum of the attack. Budapest remains isolated.

[ January 23rd - January 25th]