January 1945

Tuesday, January 23rd

Eastern Front


The German 4th Army abandons the heavily fortified Loetzen defenses as it withdraws. Hossbach is continuing to re-deploy his forces in order to strengthen his right flank. He informs Reinhardt of his moves, who, approving of the measures, also neglects to tell Hitler.

The 5th Guards Tank Army continues its drive to the sea, taking Mohrungen as it closes upon Elbing. A single corps thrusts its way into Elbing from the east but meets fierce resistance from mixed units that the 4th Army pulled together in the town.

Kalisz falls to the 4th Tank Army while to the south the 21st Army reaches the Oder near Oppeln. With other elements of the 4th Tank already across at Goeben, the 13th Army moves to support and establishes a strong bridgehead based upon Steinau. Heavy fighting rages around the town. Oels also falls but the Germans manage to escape before the town is destroyed. As the threat to Breslau increases the 169th Infantry Division is rushed into defensive positions around the city. Army Group A recognizes the increasing threat to its forces in Upper Silesia but is hamstrung by Hitler's orders to hold.


After heavy fighting the 3rd Ukrainian Front begins to contain the German thrust around Lake Balaton and along the Danube. The 2nd Ukrainian Front unleashes a new attack with its 40th Army and 4th Rumanian Army along the Slovak-Hungarian border, aiming to undermine the southern wing of the 8th Army.

[ January 22nd - January 24th]