January 1945

Sunday, January 21st

Eastern Front


The Germans evacuate Tannenberg, the monument to Hindenburg being destroyes and the remains of the Field Marshal and his wife taken west. The 2nd Shock Army punches behind the right wing of the 4th Army, aiming to isolate teh 2nd, 4th and 3rd Panzer Armies inside East Prussia. Elements of the 5th Guards Tank Army are close to Deutsch Eylau as they advance in support of the 2nd Shock. Forward units are as far ahead as the Elbing railway station. Gumbinnen falls to the 28th Army as the junction of the 4th and 3rd Panzer Armies is fractured before Koningsberg.

With Soviet forces deep inside the borders of the province, the populace of East Prussia has taken to the roads, seeking safety in the west. More than 2 million people are migrating, walking and dying under heavy arty fire and savage air strikes.

Hitler agrees to the evacuation of Memel, Gollnick's XXVIII Corps and the thousands of civilisns in the town beginning the evacuation immediately. He also sanctions the withdrawal of the 4th Army to cover the open southern flank at Wormditt, the 2nd Army having been driven away to the west into Pomerania as the Soviets advance. Soviet attacks have exposed the rear of the 4th Army and 3rd Panzer Army, threatening to overwhelm Army Group Center.

Lead tanks of the 1st Guards Tank Army crosses the Warthe and enter Posen. Group Nehring has fallen back to the Warthe, having skirted south of Lodz.


The Soviets increase their forces on Margit Island in Budapest and slowly gain more territory. A Hungarian counterattack in Buda recaptures Varosmajor Grange.

[ January 20th - January 22nd]