January 1945

Saturday, January 20th

Eastern Front


The 2nd Shock Armu of 2nd Belorussian Front closes upon Tannenberg, scene of the German victory in World War I, while a little to the north Insterberg falls to the 5th Army of the 3rd Belorussian. The 43rd Army pours out of its bridgehead across the Niemen near Tilsit.

Group Nehring continues its retreat, crossing the Pilica River near Tomaszow. Farther south, in Slovakia, Presov and Kosice falls to the 1st Guards and 18th Armies while the 38th captures Novy Sacz.

With the 2nd Belorussian Front advanceing rapidly the Stavka orders it to turn its 4 central armies north to drive behind the flank of the 4th Army. However, as the 2nd moves north the 1st Belorussian finds its right wing deprived of support.


In Hungary the 4th SS Panzer Corps pushes north toward Budapest. The German 6th Army begins a new attack from Szekesfehervar but is held up by the 4th Guards Army as it fight desperately to halt this new thrust. South of Lake Balaton the 57th Army is fighting 2nd Panzer Army attacks but largely holds its ground.

[ January 19th - January 21st]