Air Operations, CBI
- 5 10th Air Force B-25s attack two bridges near Hsipaw.
- 12 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack marshalling yards at Nanking.
- 2 B-25s attack the airfield at Hengyang.
- More than 100 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in east-central China.
- During the evening, 8 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s sweep the road between Hengyang and Yochow. Many motor vehicles are destroyed and a ferry crossing and bivouac area are set on fire.
- A 23rd Fighter Group’s 74th Fighter Squadron P-51 downs 2 D3A 'Val' dive bombers near Tsienshan during the early afternoon.
- 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack targets near Haiphong and in the Red River valley.
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Air Operations, Carolines 5th and 307th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack targets in the Caroline Islands.
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Air Operations, East Indies - 22 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Langoan airfield on Celebes.
- 37 22nd and 43rd Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack warehouses and shipping in the Lembeh Strait area.
- B-25s attack Tobelo Island.
- V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack oil installations at Boela, Ceram.
- 1 90th Group B-24 is shot down by Japanese Army fighters.
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Air Operations, Europe
Daylight Ops:
- 675 aircraft carry out heavy raids on 6 airfields in southern Holland. In the aircraft total are 348 Lancasters, 315 Halifaxes and 12 Mosquitos. All raids are successful.
- 1 Halifax is lost on the Venlo raid.
Minor Ops:
- There are 2 Mosquito Ranger patrols and 1 RCM sortie.
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Air Operations, New Guinea V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack airfields at Babo, Nabire, and Waren, troops and stores at Manokwari, and coastal targets around MacCluer Gulf and Wewak.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Saipan attack Iwo Jima.
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Eastern Front
Elements of the 70th Army cross the Bug River north of Warsaw.
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Italy Canadian units cross the Conca and continue their advance.
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Occupied Holland Prince Bernhard is appointed commander of underground forces.
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Secret War Retreating Germans abandon hundreds of thousands of intelligence dossiers at Brussels. These are subsequently discovered and examined by British investigators and found to contain street maps of every town and village in the UK and Ireland, maps of the entire British and Irish coastlines and innumerable photographs, ranging form 1890s postcards to 1940 views of the Battersea Power Station. All these data were to have been used during Operation SEA LION.
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Wake Island Adm William W. Smith(or Rear-Adm A. E. Smith?) leads 3 heavy cruisers and 3 destroyers to bombard the Japanese positions on the island. The light carrier Monterey (CVL-26) provides air cover.
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Western Europe Brussels is entered by the British Guards Arm Div. Other towns take by the 21st Army Group are Tournai and Abbeville. The US 3rd Army has advance units across the Moselle. Mons is taken by US 1st Army.
At this point the Allied front in the north runs from the mouth of the Somme in the north to Troyes in the south, following the line Lille-Brussels-Mons-Sedan-Verdun-Commercy.
In the south the French 1st Inf Div enters Lyons. Wiese has managed to withdraw most of the German 19th Army. The German 1st Army under Gen Kurt von der Chevallerie, manning the Bay of Biscay, has also withdrawn from southwest France, 130,000 German soldiers succeed in rejoining Army Group B, but 80,000 others are taken prisoner.
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Images from September 3, 1944
Troops take cover in a ditch as their convoy of trucks is held up by German resistance during the advance on Brussels, 3 September 1944.
The Advance on Brussels
Carriers and armoured cars pass burning German transport on the road to Brussels, 3 September 1944.
On the Road to Brussels
German POW captured in Belgium, 3 September 1944
Cromwell and Stuart tanks of Guards Armoured Division passing German POWs during the advance to Brussels, 3 September 1944.
Tanks Passing German POWs
Sherman tanks of 5th Guards Armoured Brigade pass an American jeep in Antoing, Belgium, 3 September 1944.
In Antoing, Belgium
The crew of a Cromwell Mk IV tank of 2nd Welsh Guards on the drive into Brussels, 3 September 1944. Despite sporadic resistance from the Royal Palace and Gestapo HQ, the city’s capture went smoothly, ‘the chief difficulty being to cope with the populace who were very effusive in their welcome’, as the Battalion’s war diary put it with typical understatement.
Taking Brussels
An M8 Armored Car of Troop 'C' 113th Cavalry Recon Squadron (Mech), Rongy (Brunehaut), 3 september 1944
Armored Car in Rongy
French Women Help British Troops to Peel Potatoes near St Pol, France, 3 September 1944
US Tank Passes Destroyed German Convoy North of Montelimar, France, 3 September 1944
Wounded German soldiers being ferried to an aid post on the hull of a Cromwell tank of 2nd Welsh Guards, 3 September 1944
Wounded POWs Taken to Aid Post
US M4 Sherman medium tanks and jeeps ready to move against trapped German infantry, Gelin, Belgium, 3 September 1944
Getting Ready to Attack
A German Panther tank turret which was abandoned before being emplaced in a defensive position on the Gothic Line, 3 September 1944
German Panther Tank Turret