August 1944

Wednesday, August 23rd

Eastern Front


Meith's IV Corps comes under heavy attack from the 6th Tank and 52nd Armies as it pulls back. However, leading units of the 52nd Army sever the German line of retreat by cutting the road to Husi. Heavy fighting rages as the Germans try unsuccessfully to break through.

On the eastern bank of the Prut the VII Corps disintegrates as the 4th Guards Army overruns its headquarters and attacks all along its lines. Some units do manage to fight their way back to the Prut, crossing at Scoposeni to link up with the IV Corps near Husi.

As more retreating units join the IV Corps, Group Meith (as it became known), prepares to launch an attack west to escape isolation and destruction. However, the 6th Tank Army has already outflanked the Germans, pushing deep into their rear as it approaches Barlad. Heavy fighting erupts along the Barladul River but the Germans are repulsed, one of Meith's divisions being wiped out in the fighting.

The XLIV Corps and LII Corps are falling back from the Dniestr, abandoning Kishinev. However, the imminent collapse of the LII Corps endangers the XLIV. Under heavy attack the LII buckles and is overwhelmed. A little to the south the positions of the XXX Corps have also entirely collapsed.

As the corps in the center of the 6th Army falls apart, the Soviets push deep into their rear. Leovo, on the Prut, falls to the 37th Army as it strikes out to meet the 52nd Army pushing down from the north. There now only remains a narrow corridor between the Husi and Leovo for the VII, XLIV, LII and XXX Corps to escape through.

[ August 22nd - August 24th]