August 1944

Tuesday, August 22nd

Eastern Front


The 6th Tank Army pushes down from the north, behind the main units of the 6th Army to the east, toward Vaslui and Husi. With the complete collapse of the Rumanian armies, Friessner cuts the Rumanians out of the command chain, allocating Meith's IV and the XXIX Corps to the 6th Army. Fierce battles rage south of Jassy as the IV Corps falls back to the southeast toward the Prut. Kastuleni and Ungeny fall to 52nd and 4th Guards Armies as they drive along either bak of the river. To the east, elements of the XXIX Corps are involved in heavy fighting at Romanovo as the 46th Army plunges deep into the German rear. The XXIX is now in full retreat toward the Prut. While the corps retreats, other elements of the 46th Army reach the Black Sea coast and isolate the 9th Infantry Division.

The Rumanians depose Marshal Antonescu and place him under arrest. The new government immediately issues orders for all Rumanian units in the field to cease firing upon Russian forces and surrender or go home.

[ August 21st - August 23rd]