August 1944

Sunday, August 20th

Eastern Front


The Poles launch strong attacks from Zoliborz and the Old Town, but suffer heavy casualties.


Arty fire smashes into the 4th Rumanian Army and air attacks paralyze its rear. The 2nd Ukrainian Front then attacks, crushing the IV and Rumanian VI Corps in the first blow. Elements of the 52nd Army hit the junctino of the German IV and Rumanian IV Corps near Jassy, while the 27th Army pounds the Rumanian VI Corps on the left. Despite heavy fighting, the German and Rumanian troops are overwhelmed, Meith's VI Corps being left high and dry as the Rumanians desert the field. By midday the 53rd Army has fought its way into Jassy and is across the Bahlui River. Friessner immediately commits his reserves but they are swept aside by the Soviet advance.

The 3rd Ukrainian Front attacks from the Tiraspol bridgehead with the 57th, 37th and 46th Armies, striking the XXX Corps and left flank of the XXIX Corps. Initial Soviet attacks are repulsed after bloody fighting but a renewed assault overruns the right flank of the XXX Corps. The XXIX Corps is also severely damaged in the fighting, its Rumanian divisions abandoning the field en masse. Fretter-Pico begins to move his reserve 13th Panzer Division up, but after a hasty counterattack the division is forced back. There is now a gaping 30-mile hole in the line between the 6th Army and Rumanian 3rd Army to its right. While this battle rages the 5th Shock Army attacks the LII Corps before Kishinev.

[ August 19th - August 21st]