June 1944

Wednesday, July 5th

Western Front - Battle For Caen

Less than a mile from the outskirts of Caen, the 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade poses a threat to German positions in the town. With most of the defense concentrated north of Caen and by the River Odon, it is feared that Anglo-Canadian forces could attack from Carpiquet and bypass the majority of the defenses. Despite growing misgivings about the effectiveness of immediate counterattacks, Kurt Meyer orders the SS to retake Carpiquet. Units from the 1st SS-Panzer Division prepare to counterattack Carpiquet from Francqueville with tanks, artillery, mortars and infantry.

Shortly after midnight, the first of the SS counterattacks begin and although 13 tanks had been lost the previous day, the 10th Canadian Armored Regiment and the mortars of the Cameron Highlanders, defeat the attack and inflict many casualties. By dawn, almost no ground has been gained by the attackers and by noon, the 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade and 10th Canadian Armored Regiment have defeated 3 counterattacks, with the assistance of artillery and Typhoon fighter-bombers. The village remains firmly in Canadian hands, although subject to frequent Nebelwerfer and mortar bombardment. There is not much change in the village of Carpiquet. The Canadians there stay on the defensive and sustain more casualties by the mortar fire that did not let up.

[ July 4th - July 6th]