Chronology of World War II

April 1944

Friday, April 7

Air Operations, Aleutians

Several F-7s from the 2nd Photographic Charting Squadron of the 311th Photographic Wing’s 1st Photographic Group arrive to begin mapping the Kurile Islands.


Air Operations, Carolines

During the night, VII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Truk Atoll.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 20 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 10th Air Force P-51s attack artillery batteries at Mawlu. 24 10th Air Force A-31s attack occupied villages around Tamanthi and Thaungdut in the Chindwin River area. 9 A-31s attack Japanese Army positions near Buthidaung in the Arakan coastal region. 2 B-25s and more than 100 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets at and near Kamaing, Manywet, Mogaung, Myitkyina, Nsopzup, and Sahmaw. More than 30 fighter-bombers support Allied ground troops at Shaduzup.
  • 2 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping between Hong Kong and Formosa. 7 14th Air Force P-40s attack barges and junks at St. John Island. 1 B-24 is lost.
  • 4 14th Air Force P-40s attack many small vessels at Haiphong.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-25s attack Penfoei, Timor.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 12 Halifaxes lay mines off the Dutch coast, 4 Mosquitos make Serrate patrols and there is 1 RCM sortie.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Langgoer and the Wakde Islands. B-25s, A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-39s attack numerous targets around Bogia, Madang, Tadji, and Uligan.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The Germans submarine U-856 is sunk by the US destroyer Champlin (DD-601) and the destroyer escort Huse (DE-145) in the North Atlantic area.

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Near Kohima the Japanese 138th Regt encircles the 161st Bde from Gen Montagu Stopford's XXXIII Corps at Jotsoma and block the main road to the west near Zubza. They also tighten the circle around the town of Kohima seizing the town's main waterworks. The 17th Indian Div is deployed north of Imphal.

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Eastern Front

The German forces encircled near Tarnopol make desperate, but unavailing, attempts to break out.


After a bitter battle the I and II SS Panzer Corps link up with the 1st Panzer Army near Buchach. Hube has successfully brought his army across difficult terrain, numerous river lines and back into the main combat line.

On the eve of the Soviet offensive in the Crimea, Jaenecke's places his 17th Army on alert. His force comprises Konrad's XLIX Mountain Corps near the Perekop Isthmus (50th Infantry Division) and along the Zivash coast (336th, 10th Rumanian and 19th Rumanian Infantry Divisions), while Allmendinger's V Corps defends the Kerch peninsula (98th, 73rd Infantry and 6th Rumanian Cavalry Divisions). Additional Rumanian forces (I Mountain Corps and 2 cavalry divisions) are on coastal defense and anti-partisan duties. In reserve, behind XLIX Mountain Corps, are the 111th Infantry Division and Mountain Regiment Krym. In all Jaenecke has 235,000 men and 70 assault guns. Yet again the army commander is denied freedom of movement, the 17th Army having been instructed to stand on its current positions.

During the spring the Red Army has considerably strengthened the 4th Ukrainian Front, Tolbukhin's deployed the 51st Army (5 rifle divisions and 1 tank corps of 500 tanks) in the Zivash and 2nd Guards Army (6 rifle divisions) at Perekop. Surprisingly, the main attack will not be made via the traditional Perekop route but from the Zivash, which Soviet engineers have made passable for their mechanized and infantry units. Not expecting an attack from this quarter, the Germans have only light defenses here. At Kerch, the Independent Coastal Army, with 11 rifle divisions and 1 tank brigade of 100 tanks, totalling 143,000 men face the V Corps. Tolbukhin has 278,000 men, 6,000 arty pieces and nearly 600 tanks. Over 1,200 aircraft will support the ground attack.

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German, Home Front

Goebbels is appointed 'City President of Berlin' with unlimited powers, superseding the Oberburgmeister (Lord Mayor).

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The Japanese submarine I-2 is sunk by the US destroyer Saufley (DD-465) north of New Ireland.

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Images from April 7, 1944

Lt-Gen Mark W. Clark and Lt-Gen Sir Oliver Leese in Italy, 7 April 1944

Lt-Gen Mark W. Clark and Lt-Gen Sir Oliver Leese

5th Army Officers Eating Unleavened Bread during Jewish Ceremony in Italy, 7 April 1944

5th Army Officers Eating Unleavened Bread

A Japanese Plane Explodes off Okinawa, 7 April 1944

Japanese plane explodes off Okinawa

Sgt George Oliver who served as a rear gunner with No 408 Squadron RAF completes his artwork on Lancaster B Mk II, 7 April 1944

Sgt George Oliver who served as a rear gunner

Tanks Debarking from an LST on Anzio Beachhead, April 1944

Tanks debarking from an LST

[April 6th - April 8th]