Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Friday, March 31

Admiralty Islands

The squadron of the US 7th Cav landed on Pityilu completes mopping-up operations on the island.

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Air Operations, Carolines

  • 21 VII Bomber Command B-24s attack two airfields in the Truk Atoll before dawn. 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Ponape Island.
  • Beginning with a pre-dawn fighter sweep, US carrier aircraft from Task Group 58.2, Task Group 58.3 and Task Group 50.15 continue to attack targets in the Palau Islands. Carrier aircraft from Task Group 58.1 attack the Yap Atoll.
  • Between 0715 and noon, US Navy F6Fs (and one VT-32 TBM crew) down 61 Japanese fighters and a D3A 'Val' dive bomber over the Palau Islands and 3 G4M 'Betty' bombers at sea. Between 1325 and 1400, F6Fs down 2 G4M 'Betty' bombers and an A6M Zero at sea near Task Force 58.
  • To sum up, the carrier strikes against the Palau Islands reduce Japanese air strength in the island group to negligible levels, a situation the Japanese never rectify.
  • During the night, a flying boat carrying Adm Mineichi Koga, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet, is lost without a trace on its way to Mindanao from the Palaus.
  • Also during the night, 14 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack fuel stores and other targets in the Truk Atoll.
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Air Operations, CBI


9 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack Pinlebu. 3 B-25s and 6 10th Air Force P-51s attack warehouses, rail cars, and tracks at Zawchaung. 24 10th Air Force A-31s attack the Homalin and Kaing areas. 60 A-31s attack dumps and occupied villages around Ft. Keary, Mintha, Thaungdut, and Ukhrul (India). 10 10th Air Force P-51s attack Japanese Army ground positions around the Broadway landing zone. 12 P-40s attack the Warong area.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 3 Oboe Mosquitos are sent to Essen, 28 aircraft are involved in Resistance ops, and there are 15 OTU sorties.
    • 1 Halifax is lost on a Resistance supply-drop operation.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 67 of 71 V Bomber Command B-24s sent attack airfields in the Hollandia area. More than 120 B-25s and A-20s attack Japanese Army ground troops, supplies, and coastal targets around Hansa Bay, Tadji, and Wewak. 2 B-24s are severely damaged by antiaircraft fire, but no airplanes are lost.
  • 8th Fighter Group P-38s and 348th Fighter Group P-47s down a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane and 13 Japanese fighters over Hollandia between 1015 and 1048 hours.
  • Allied reconnaissance aircraft operating over Hollandia-area airfields in the wake of punishing attacks on March 30 and 31 note that Japanese aircraft appear to be withdrawing from the region.
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Some American units are cut off by the Japanese in northeast Burma. In India, the Japanese under Gen Mutaguchi block the Ukhrul-Imphal road and surround the garrison at Imphal, which has to be supplied by air. The defending force is made up of 3 Indian divisions of the British IV Corps. In the Arakan, in the Mayu peninsula, the British 36th Div takes some tunnels on the Maungdaw-Buthidaung road, but does not manage to clear the highway completely.

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Eastern Front

The 4th Ukraine Front under Tolbukhin, pressing on Odessa, takes part of the town of Ochakov, southwest of Nikolayev. Malinovsky's troops(???) take Ochakov.


The 1st Guards Army launches fierce attacks upon Tarnopol, taking the railway station. Neinhoff is confined to the city center and part of Zagrobela, holding and area less than a mile square. As the 3rd Ukrainian Front pushes toward Odessa, Ochakov is overrun by the 46th Army.


As March draws to a close the Rumanian 4th Army begins to enter the combat line in northern Rumanian, deploying between the 1st Hungarian and 8th Armies.


During March the Ostheer has lost 3 panzer and 3 infantry divisions from its order of battle but 2 SS panzer, 2 SS panzer grenadier, 1 jaeger, 2 reserve and 4 infantry divisions enter the line. However, the newly committed divisions are nowhere near regulation strength, many not even making up a full strength regiment. German paper strength stands at 23 panzer, 9 panzer grenadier and 140 infantry divisions.

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Japan, Command

During a flight from Palau Island in the Caroline Islands to Davao in Mindanao Island, Philippines, Admiral Mineichi Koga, Commander in Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleets, is killed in an air crash. Because of political differences no successor is appointed immediately. The announcement of the death is not made until early in May. Adm Soemu Toyodo will be named to succeed Koga. (See May 3, 1944).

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New Guinea

Renewed and telling bombing of Hollandia by the US 5th Air Force.

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US carrier-based aircraft sink the Japanese destroyer Wakatake off the Palau Islands.

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Images from March 31, 1944

P-38 Assembly at Maison Blanch, Algeria, 31 March 1944

P-38 assembly

The 31 March 1944 farewell parade of the Spanish Legion at Stablack Camp in Königsberg, the training depot of the Spanish replacements once the Spanish Division had reached the front.

Farewell Parade of the Spanish Legion

farewell parade of the Spanish Legion

A Cromwell Mk IV of No. 2 Squadron, 2nd (Armoured Reconnaissance) Battalion, Welsh Guards, at Pickering in Yorkshire, 31 March 1944.

A Cromwell Mk IV of Welsh Guards

A Cromwell Mk IV of Welsh Guards

Forcemen of 5-2, First Special Service Force, preparing to go on an evening patrol in the Anzio beachhead, Operation Shingle, Italy, ca. 31 March 1944

Preparing for Evening Patrol

Preparing for Evening Patrol

USS Harmon (DE-678) at Langamak Harbor, New Guinea, 31 March 1944. (US Navy Photo)

USS Harmon (DE-678)

Winston Churchill inspects a Cromwell MK-IV Tank of the #2 squadron 2nd armored battalion at Pickering in Yorkshire March 31 1944

Churchill Inspects a Cromwell Tank

Churchill Inspects a Cromwell Tank

31 Squadron RAAF Attacking an Oil Barge at Tenau Harbour, 31 March 1944

RAAF attacking an oil barge

[March 30th - April 1st]