Chronology of World War II

December 1943

Wednesday, December 8

Air Operations, Bismarcks

6 V Bomber Command A-20s attack Cape Merkus, New Britain.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack Changte while 9 other B-25s attack Hofuh and their 16 P-40 escorts attack two nearby villages.
  • 18 Japanese bombers escorted by approximately 50 fighters attack Tinsukia Airfield (Assam) in advance of a Japanese Army ground offensive in the region.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-25s attack the Koepang(?) and Penfoei, Timor.

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Air Operations, Marshalls

22 VII Bomber Command B-24s based at Nanomea attack the Jaluit Atoll. 11 B-24s based at Canton Island attack the Mille Atoll.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s and B-26s attack supply dumps on the Huon Peninsula near Finschhafen. V Fighter Command P-39s strafe barges between Saidor and Fortification Point.

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Eastern Front

The Soviets make more progress toward isolating Znamenka by cutting a second rail line out of the town.


Lead elements of the XLVIII Panzer reaches the Teterev River, having inflicted considerable losses upon the 60th and 13th Armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front. The advance continues in the directin of Malin but Soviet resistance slowed its pace.

Znamenka is isolated by the 5th Guards Tank Army but the XL Panzer Corps launches a fierce counterattack in an effort to relieve the town.

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French troops begin to come into the Allied line, first the 2nd Moroccan Inf Div who replaces the American 34th Div. The Italian 1st Motorized Group, incorporated in the Allied formations, attacks Monte Lungo but is driven off with very heavy losses. Other experienced Allied units are being withdraw, however, to be moved to Britain to join Operation OVERLORD. 5th Army's II Corps is still fighting to take the positions around San Pietro. On Monte Sammucro units of the US 36th Div, VI Corps, have to face a powerful German counter-attack. Canadian units with 8th Army begin attacks over the Moro River, a few miles from the east coast.

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Marshall Islands

Kwajalein is bombarded by 4 battleships and 12 destroyers led by Adm Harry Lee. 2 carriers give air cover. The US destroyer Boyd (DD-544) suffers damage from a coastal battery. 1 Japanese destroyer is damaged in the raid.

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The British naval trawler Rysa sinks on a mine off Maddalena with the loss of 18 of her crew.

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New Guinea

The Australians take Wareo and push on toward Sio, northwest of Finschhafen to which the Japanese garrison of Lae has retired.

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US battleships and destroyers pound Nauru Island. The destroyer Boyd is damaged by Japanese batteries.

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Images from December 8, 1943

Soldiers of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada searching German prisoners near the Moro River, 8 December 1943

Canadian Soldiers Searching German Prisoners

Canadian Soldiers Searching German Prisoners
British soldiers overseeing German prisoners of war in Mount Camino, Italy on 8 December 1943

British Soldiers Overseeing German Prisoners

British Soldiers Overseeing German Prisoners
Wounded British soldier is evacuated in Mount Camino, Italy on 8 December 1943

Wounded British Soldier is Evacuated

Wounded British soldier is evacuated
British litter bearers carrying a wounded soldier in Mount Camino, Italy on 8 December 1943

Carrying a Wounded Soldier

carrying a wounded soldier
US artillery troops shell enemy positions on 8 December 1943

US Artillery in Action

US artillery
Allied soldiers interact with Italian laundresses in Capriari, Italy on 8 December 1943

Allied Soldiers Interact with Italians

Allied soldiers interact with Italian
The US Navy battleship USS North Carolina (BB-55) bombarding Nauru, 8 December 1943, destroying air facilities, beach defense revetments, and radio installations

The North Carolina Bombarding Nauru

<i>North Carolina</i> Bombarding Nauru

[December 7th - December 9th]