Chronology of World War II

October 1943

Saturday, October 30

Air Operations, Bismarcks

V Bomber Command B-25s attack barges in Rein Bay, but bad weather over the target causes a bombing mission against Rabaul to be canceled.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 7 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 12 P-40s attack a barracks and motor pool at Shayang.
  • 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack docks at Chiuchiang. 449th Fighter Squadron P-38s down 2 A6M Zeros and 4 Ki-44 'Tojo' fighters over Chiuchiang during the morning.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 12 AirSols TBFs and 26 fighters provide support for the Marine Corps’ 2nd Parachute Battalion mounting a diversionary raid on Choiseul.
  • 16 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kara airfield on Bougainville. 68 AirSols SBDs, 27 TBFs, and 50 fighters also attack the Kara airfield.
  • 6 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s and 32 fighters attack Kieta.
  • 26 AirSols fighters strafe ships in Tonolei Harbor.
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Diplomatic Relations

The Moscow Conference between the Foreign Ministers of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States ends. The principle of 'unconditional surrender' for Germany is confirmed, as is the wish to found an international organization for the preservation of peace. It is also decided to set up in London a consultative European commission to study the problems that will arise on the continent when the war ends.

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Eastern Front

In their advance across the Noraysk Steppe, the Soviet forces reach Genichesk cutting one exit from the Crimea for the Axis forces. The Russians now control several bridgeheads on the right bank of the Lower Dnieper, together with the entire left bank, except for the Nikopol Salient.


Soviet tanks reach Perekop and cut the main land route out of the Crimea. Genichesk, the last railway route out of the peninsula, is also captured as 17th Army is isolated once again. At this point Hitler relieves Mackensen from command of the 1st Panzer Army, Hube being appointed in his place.

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On the west coast 5th Army takes Mondragone, having penetrated the 'Barbara' line there. Inland the other units of the army continue their advance over the difficult hilly terrain against tenacious defense. The Germans counterattack the 8th Army bridgehead over the Trigno.

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Scenes from October 30, 1943

Canadian soldiers from the 10th Field Battery, 4th Canadian Division help a field artillery tractor plow through a muddy field during the Allied advance near Torella. October 30, 1943.

Canadian Artillery Battery in the Mud

Canadian Artillery Battery in the Mud
Consolidated B-24J-30-CO Liberator 42-73278, parked at Enfidaville Airfield, Tunisia, October 1943.

B-24J at Enfidaville Airfield, Tunisia

B-24J at Enfidaville Airfield, Tunisia
A gun crew fire the twin 40mm Bofor anti-aircraft guns on HMS TRACKER. Two crewmembers are seated operating the elevation and training handles, two crewmembers are loading the rounds into the chute, one crew-member is nearby receiving orders over the radio.


Members of 2 SAS on parade for an inspection by General Montgomery, following their successful participation in the capture, behind enemy lines, of the port of Termoli in Italy.

SAS on Parade for Inspection

SAS on Parade for Inspection

[October 29th - October 31st]