August 1943

Wednesday, August 4th

Eastern Front


Elements of the 3rd and 63rd Armies enter Orel amid heavy fighting with the retreating LIII Corps.


The Voronezh Front renews its attack with intense arty fire and air attacks smashing the German positions around Tomarovka. After 30 minutes of crushing fire, the 6th and 5th Guards Armies agains assualt the LII Corps, while the 1st Tank and 5th Guards Tank Armies begin their renewed attacks. Bitter fighting rages as the right wing units of the LII Corps try to stop the Soviets from breaking into Tomarovka. Leading elements of 1st Tank and 5th Guards Tank Armies threaten the lines of communication of the 3 German divisions fighting at Tomarovka. The 5th Guards Tank Army, advancing east of Tomarovka, runs into retreating elements of XLVIII Panzer Corps and becomes embroiled in heavy fighting. Luftwaffe strikes hinder the Soviet attack. Reinforcements brought up strengthen the 5th Guards Tank soon swing the battle around and the Soviets push ahead, threatening to isolate two infantry divisions.

Fighting north of Belgorod intensifies as the XLVIII Panzer Corps and remnants of XI Corps' left wing struggle to hold back the 53rd and 69th Armies. The Soviets fight a slow and costly battal but are unable to break the German defenses. Elements of the XI Corps are forced back into the suburbs and the last remaining German bridgehead on the east bank of the Donets at Mikhailovka come under attack by 7th Guards Army.

Surprised by the ferocity of the Soviet attack and the destruction of the right wing and center of the LII Corps, Manstein lengthens the XLVIII Panzer Corps sector to cover this unit's now open left flank. During heavy fighting Soviet tanks attack the headquarters of the LII Corps and disperse it. By evening there is a 15-mile gap in the line between the LII Corps and the XLVIII Panzer Corps.

[ August 3rd - August 5th]