August 1943

Tuesday, August 3rd

Eastern Front


The Red Army opens Operation RUMYANTSEV, its arty barrage ripping apart Ott's LII Corps. After just five minutes the barrage ends, lulling the Germans into a false sense of security. 30 minutes later the Soviet arty resumes their fire and the air armies join the attack. This time they pound the German lines with unprecedented ferocity for over 2 hours, inflicting heavy casualties. Tanks and infantry of the 6th and 5th Guards Armies then move forward on a 30-mile front, opening bitter fighting with the right wing of the LII Corps and XLVIII Panzer Corps. The 5th Guards Army develops its attack successfully as the morning progresses, crushing the right flank of the LII Corps. Amid heavy fighting lead elements of the 5th Guards closes upon Tomarovka from the northeast. The 5th Guards Tank Army is committed to the fighting and pushes forward in support of the 5th Guards. By evening the two armies are more than 15 miles into the junction of the 2 German corps.

The 1st Tank Army has also entered the battle through the 6th Guards Army but is halted in fierce fighting north of Tomarovka. Elements of the LII Corps launch a ferocious counterattack, slowing the 1st Tank Army advance.

The 53rd Army and units of 69th Army attack the German positions north of Belgorod. The XLVIII Panzer Corps and XI Corps struggle to hold back the Soviet tide. Forward German defenses quickly fall, but repeated counterattack by armored forces slow the Soviets down. However, the fighting proves costly as the left flank division of the XI Corps is all but wiped out by the 53rd Army. The 69th Army strikes the center of the XI Corps but intense fighting slows the advance. Other elements of the 69th Army, together with the 7th Guards Army, launches attacks across the Donets but failed in the face of concentrated counter-fire by the right wing of the XI Corps.

[ August 2nd - August 4th]