Chronology of World War II

August 1943

Sunday, August 8

Air Operations, Central Pacific

A VMF-441 F4F based at the airfield at Funafuti downs a G3M 'Nell' medium bomber over Nui Island at 1215 hours.

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Air Operations, Europe

A week of hell begins for the big cities in the north of Italy. Milan is bombed 4 times by a total of 916 RAF aircraft, which drop 4,000 tons of bombs on the city, completely destroying 11,700 buildings and seriously damaging 15,000 others. British bombers, 380 strong, carry out 3 violent raids on Turin, causing tremendous damage and many deaths, and Genoa is laid waste by an attack by 73 aircraft, again with many casualties.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Larat, barges at Kokas, and ships at Semboh.

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The SU-152 Self-Propelled Gun

The SU-152 Self-Propelled Gun
On August 8, 1943, the SU-152 was sent to the Kremlin to show it to the members of the government. Stalin himself came to watch the already famous self-propelled gun. He was apparently aware that self-propelled guns, called the Battle of Kursk 'Zveroboi' [Animal Hunter], had performed well in combat. Approaching the car, he suddenly climbed up on self-propelled chassis, on which there was no supporting ladders. Looking through the commander's hatch, he asked how things were going with the ventilation of the conning tower. Apparently, someone had reported him that the crews on the machines of the first production batch suffered heavily under bad ventilation. Test driver K.E Egorov calmly replied: 'Indeed, the exhaust gases get inside the car, but for these self-propelled guns ventilation worked better, so that three times more air passes through itself and the danger of smoke or powder gases is completely eliminated.'

Air Operations, Solomons

23 42nd Mediums Bombardment Group B-25s, escorted by Air Corps and Marine Corps fighters, attack Buki and Vila on Kolombangara.

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Eastern Front


The remnants of the LII Corps retreat to the area east of Akhtyrka where the Grossdeutschland Division holds off units of the 1st Tank Army. III Panzer Corps continues to attack the 1st Tank Army, forcing the Soviets onto the defensive south and east of Bogodukhov. Zolochev falls to 5th Guards Tank Army as the III Panzer Corps pulls back from the town. Aleksandrovka also falls to the Soviets.

With the Borisovka pocket destroyed the Soviets regroup their 27th and 6th Guards Armies. These armies are to push southwest toward Akhtyrka and Kotevka while 40th Army pushes toward Trostyanets.

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Germany, Home Front

Berlin radio announces that over 1,000,000 women, children, and elderly and infirm persons are being evacuated from Berlin.

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Italy, Politics

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New Georgia

Although Munda has been captured, fighting on the island continues. The Americans are trying to prevent more Japanese escaping to Kolombangara.



In the north in an amphibious operation supported by 1 cruiser and 3 destroyers, the Americans land a small force east of Sant' Agata. The Germans pull back and Sant' Agata falls to the main US forces, as does Cesaro inland. On the British sector the 78th Div takes Bronte as well as Acireale.

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C-47 Dakotas at Wau Airfield - August 8, 1943

C-47 Dakotas at Wau Airfield - August 8, 1943

[August 7th - August 9th]