Chronology of World War II

August 1943

Saturday, August 7

Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-25s attack Lautem and the Cape Chater airfield on Timor.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 197 Lancasters are sent to attack Genoa, Milan and Turin.
  • It is believed that every aircraft reached its target area and that 195 dropped bombs. The only report available from the ground says 20 people are killed and 79 injured in Turin. Group Captain JH Searby, of 83 Squadron, acts as Master Bomber for the bombing at Turin but with only limited success. This is a trial in preparation for the role he will play in the raid on Peenemünde later in the month.
    • 2 Lancasters are lost.
Minor Ops:
  • 4 Mosquitos are sent to Cologne and 1 to Düsseldorf without a loss.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Kela and the Salamaua area.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 16 XIII Bomber Command B-17s and B-24s, more than 40 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s, and 30 Marine Corps light bombers and fighters attack Bairoko.
  • 18th Fighter Group P-40s down 3 A6M Zeros between Munda and Rendova at 1430 hours.
  • The Munda Point airfield on New Georgia is declared operational for emergency use.
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Battle of the Atlantic

Aircraft (VC-1) from the US escort carrier Card sink the German submarine U-117 in the North Atlantic area.

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Bombs explode close aboard in attack by aircraft from USS Card, August 7, 1943, off the Azores. Note antiaircraft guns.

Aircraft from USS Card Attack

Aircraft from USS <i>Card</i> Attack
USS Honolulu, with a jury bow to enable her to handle a seaway, headed back to Mare Island for repairs; August 7 1943.

USS Honolulu Heading for Repairs

USS <i>Honolulu</i> Heading for Repairs


Fighting erupts between Communist and Nationalist Chinese forces in Shantung Province. Seeing an advantage, the Japanese launch an offensive against the Nationalist LI Corps and are nearly destroyed in the subsequent action.

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Eastern Front

The Russian West and Bryansk Fronts attack strong German defenses east of Smolensk.

Since 1941 2,133 members of the Spanish Division Azul have been killed fighting on the Eastern Front.


The Soviet Western Front (5th, 10th Guards and 33rd Armies and 68th Army) opens its offensive to recapture Smolensk. The front strength is 824,000 troops. It will be joined by the 428,000 troops of the Kalinin Front, which will assault the German 4th and 3rd Panzer Armies north of the city.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G crew from the 2nd SS Panzer Regiment 2nd SS Division 'Das Reich' Kursk. August 7, 1943.

Tank Crew from 2nd SS Division

Tank Crew from 2nd <i>SS</i> Division

The Soviet 5th Guards and 6th Armies eject the German LII Corps from Borisovka, the Wehrmacht losing 5,000 killed and captured during the retreat. The Soviet 1st Tank Army recaptures Bogodukhov, but is then engaged in heavy armored combat to the east by elements of the III Panzer Corps.[MORE]

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Finding that their attacks on San Fratello hill are having no success, the Americans by-pass the obstacle by means of an amphibious landing east of Sant' Agata. The operation is successfully carried out overnight and allows the Americans to move forward again towards Messina. The British capture Adrana and advance toward Bronte.

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[August 6th - August 8th]