Chronology of World War II

July 1943

Friday, July 30

Air Operations, Bismarcks

V Bomber Command B-24s mount individual attacks against Unea Island and Cape Gloucester.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 24 Japanese bombers and 39 fighters are intercepted over Hengyang by 15 23rd Fighter Group P-40s at 0945 hours. The P-40s down 4 bombers and 3 A6M Zeros, but 2 P-40s are also lost.
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Air Operations, Europe

The 8th Air Force raids the Fieseler aircraft works at Kassel.

Evening Ops:
  • 273 aircraft are sent to the previously umbombed town of Remscheid on the southern edge of the Ruhr. In this total are 95 Halifaxes, 87 Stirlings, 82 Lancasters and 9 Mosquitos.
  • The target city is the center of the German machine-tool industry. Only 26 people have been killed in Remscheid by stray bombs during the last 3 years. This raid marks the true end of the Battle of the Ruhr.
    • 8 Stirlings, 5 Halifaxes and 2 Lancasters are lost.
Evening Ops:
  • 8 aircraft lay mines in the Frisians without a loss.

Devastation in Hamburg

Scenes of Total Devastation in Hamburg

Scenes of total devastation in Hamburg

Scenes of Total Devastation in Hamburg

Scenes of total devastation in Hamburg
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Kela and Salamaua. B-25s attack villages in the Finschhafen area and barges off the Huon Peninsula. 3rd Light Bomb Group A-20s also attack barges.

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Air Operations, Solomons

9 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, escorted by 62 AirSols fighters, attack the airfield at Ballale.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German submarine U-591 is sunk by US naval land-based aircraft (VB-127) off Brazil.
  • Aircraft (VC-29) from the US escort carrier Santee (CVE-29) sink the German submarine U-43 in the mid-Atlantic area.
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Eastern Front

After their initial attacks, von Kleist's Army Group A loses the initiative, which passes to the troops under Tolbukhin and Malinovsky.


Hollidt's 6th Army repulses the South Front probes and restores its positions along the Mius and in the northeast Donbas. The III Panzer Corps, transferred away from Detachment Kempf during these battles, has lost a considerable number of men and tanks, as has the II SS Panzer Corps.

The Voronezh Front begins to hand over part of its sector to the Steppe Front. Deploying the 69th, 38th, 40th, 6th Guards, 7th Guards and 1st Tank Armies, the Voronezh Front gives the 69th Army and 7th Guards over to the Steppe Front while the Steppe Front gives its 27th Army up to the Voronezh Front. The 47th Army remains in reserve to support either front as required.

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The German submarine U-375 is sunk by the submarine chaser PC-624 off Tunisia.

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New Georgia

In New Georgia the Americans take Bartley Ridge and repulse violent Japanese counter-attacks.

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Australian Corporal Leslie “Bull” Allen bringing down an American G.I during the battle of Mount Tambu, July 30, 1943. Corporal Allen personally saved the lives of 12 American G.I during the battle of Mount Tambu and received the American Silver Star for his actions.

Australian Bringing Down US Soldier

Australian Bringing Down US Soldier


The American forces are heavily engaged on the outskirts of Santo Stefano and Troina. On the coast road the US 45th Div is heavily engaged by the German rearguards covering Santo Stefano. On the British front, at first light, Catenanouva is taken. Off the west coast the Egadi Islands surrender.

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[July 29th - July 31st]