Chronology of World War II

June 1943

Friday, June 25

Air Operations, Aleutians

12 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s, 25 B-25s, and 2 343rd Fighter Group P-38s mount a total of 6 separate attacks against Kiska.

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Air Operations, Europe

Photo of Lead Crew of the 427th BS for mission #44 on June 25, 1943 Hamburg

Photo of Lead Crew of the 427th BS
Evening Ops:
  • 473 aircraft are set to Gelsenkirchen. In this total are 214 Lancasters, 134 Halifaxes, 73 Stirlings, 40 Wellingtons and 12 Mosquitos.
  • This is the first raid on this target since 1941 when it was one of Bomber Command's regular 'oil targets'. The raid is not a success. The target is covered in cloud and the Oboe Mosquitos fail to produce regular and accurate marking since 5 of the 12 Oboe aircraft find their equipment not working correctly.
    • 13 Lancasters, 7 Halifaxes, 6 Stirlings and 4 Wellingtons are lost.
Evening Ops:
  • 33 aircraft are sent to lay mines in the Frisians and off the French ports.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
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Air Operations, Mediterranean

Allied bombing continues in preparation for the invasion of the island of Sicily. 300 tons of bombs are dropped on Messina, an important transportation and communication center.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s attack Japanese Army ground positions around Sepu.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s escorted by P-40s attack the Vila airfield on Kolombangara.
  • During the night, XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Ballale and nearby targets.
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Germany, Planning

Hitler decides to launch the much-postponed Operation ZITADELLE (CITADEL) on July 5. Repeated delays are largely due to problems with the new tanks and the critical Italian situation.

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Occupied Poland

Jews in the ghetto of Czestochowa begin an uprising. The ghetto is immediately reduced to rubble with an unknown number killed.

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[June 24th - June 26th]