November 1942

Thursday, November 26th

Eastern Front


After heavy fighting the 3rd Shock Army succeeds in isolating elements of the LIX Corps in Velikiye Luki. Other units of the corps are thrown back upon Novosokolniki.

The 20th Army renews its attack from the Vazuza bridgehead, but is in turn attacked by elements of the 5th Panzer Division. The Soviets move up their armor and repel the German attack. During the afternoon the VI Tank Corps enters the battle, pushing forward into the German positions but suffering heavy losses. Pushing toward the Rzhev-Sychevka road the Soviets are struck by the Germans during the evening, elements of the 9th Panzer Division dealing with the penetration.

The 39th Army continues to push south from Molodi Tud but is meeting strong resistance as the Germans reinforce the line with elements of the Grossdeutschland and 14th Motorized Divisions. The 22nd Army renews its attack, slowly forcing the Germans back but at a high cost. Counterattacks by other elements of Grossdeutschland bring the advance to a halt.

The 41st Army exploits its previous gains by pushing deeper into the German positions. The Germans erect strong defenses against the shoulders of the breakthrough, preventing the broadening of the attack. Lead Soviet units push ten miles into the German positions but suffer heavy losses. Behind the line 1st Panzer Division marches west in an effort to contain the break in the line, while elements of the XXX Corps are ordered up to fill the hole.


Manstein arrives in the Don sector, assuming command of the newly formed Army Group Don. Included in his command are the 4th Panzer Army, 6th Army, 3rd and 4th Rumanian Armies. However, the 4th Panzer Army is an army in name only, consisting of the 16th Motorized Divisoin at Elitsa and the 18th Rumanian Division to its north. The 4th Rumanian Army, reduced to stragglers roaming the steppe around Kotelnikovo, can not be counted on. Despite this Manstein begins the formation fo screening forces before Kotelnikovo. The 4th Panzer assumes control of the scattered Rumanian units, taking under its command the headquarters of the VI and VII Rumanian Corps. Paulus' 6th Army, albeit undr Army Group Don command, will effectively act only under Hitler's orders. Along the Chir Group Hollidt assume control of three infantry divisions, all understrength. Hollidt also receives two new Luftwaffe field divisions and takes control over Knobelsdorf's XLVIII Panzer Corps fighting in the Nizhne Chirskaya bridgehead. This unit has two panzer divisions, the depleted 22nd and Balck's recently arrived 11th.

[ November 25th - November 27th]