November 1942

Wednesday, November 25th

Eastern Front


At 0750 hours the Soviets begin Operation MARS. Heavy but inaccurate arty fire hits the German lines followed by assault units of the 20th Army striking the XXXIX Panzer Corps. Bitter fighting erupts as the Germans prevent major Soviet incursions. Elements manage to gain a small bridgehead across to Vazuza but come under intense German counterattack. The 31st Army join the attack. Fierce German fire inflict crippling losses on the assault units. The Soviets decide to move the VI Tank Corps up during the night in the 20th Army's sector.

On the northern face of the salient the 39th Army, attacks near Molodi Tud, pushing the Germans back two miles after a day of heavy fighting. Between Nelidovo and Belyi, the 22nd Army unleashes its attack. Heavy fighting rages as the rifle units clear a path for the III Mechanized Corps. After severe battles a four-mile salient has been punched in the line. However, the Germans begin to move elements of the Grossdeutschland Division up to close the gap.

The 41st Army also attack near Belyi, hitting the XLI Panzer Corps. After heavy fighting the Soviets smash a Luftwaffe division and part of an infantry division.

On the far left wing of the 9th Army, the 3rd Shock Army attacks the LIX Corps before Velikiye Luki. Deep penetrations are made into the German positions south of the town.


The Soviets strengthen their ring around Stalingrad, having erected an inner and outer defensive ring. The outer ring, facing German forces on the Chir and lower Don, consists of the 1st Guards, 5th Tank, 51st and 28th Armies of the Southwest and Stalingrad Fronts. The 28th Army remains in reserve. Facing 6th Army, forming the inner ring, are the 65th, 24th, 66th, 62nd, 64th, 57th and 21st Armies, a force of 490,000 men.

Over the next few days the Germans develop their defenses along the Don and Chir. Group Hoth, based around the 4th Panzer and 4th Rumanian Armies, is strengthened by the arrival of Kirchner's LVII Panzer Corps from the Caucasus. However, the LVII has only the under-strength 23rd Panzer Division at its disposal, while the 6th and 17th Panzer Divisions are journeying from France and Orel respectively. The 6th Panzer is fully refitted and near full strength bu the 17th is badly depleted.

Following Hitler's decision to order the 6th Army to stand and fight, the Stalingrad airlift begins.

[ November 24th - November 26th]