September 1942

Thursday, September 10th

Eastern Front


North of the city, the 1st Guards, 66th and 24th Armies attack but remain unable to break through the German screen and suffer further heavy casualties. Zhukov reports to Stalin that it is clear the Soviets will not break through to relieve the 62nd Army, the Germans having strengthened their northern flank. Stalin orders Zhukov to report to Moscow. Before he leaves, he orders the 1st Guards to hand over its forces to the 24th and 66th Armies and move sectors, taking on 5 rifle divisions and 3 tank corps from the Stavka reserve. The 'new' 1st Guards is to attack on September 17.

Following the attack by the 6th Army, the 4th Panzer Army strikes the 62nd Army with the XLVIII Panzer Corps, pounding the junction of the 62nd and 64th Armies. Furious fighting ensues, the likes of which have not been seen before on the eastern front. With the front in danger of disintegration, the Stavka replaces Lopatin as commander of the 62nd Army, Gen Chuikov being appointed instead. Until Chuikov arrives Krylov deputises.


As the fighting on the eastern front intensifies, Field Marshal Halder estimates that the campaign since June 22, 1941 has cost the Ostheer 1,637,000 men killed, wounded and missing.

[ September 9th - September 11th]