September 1942

Wednesday, September 9th

Eastern Front


The LI Corps moves closer to the Mamayev Kurgan, putting the center of the 62nd Army under pressure. The Soviets are in real danger of disintegration as the Germans deliver hammering blows upon the length of the front before the Volga. On its northern flank, the 62nd Army is assailed by the XIV Panzer Corps, in the center it is under pressure from the LI Corps and to the south is being heavily attacked by the XLVIII Panzer Corp. Paulus decides to commit his main strength to the battle for the city,while to the north the XIV Panzer Corps protects the exposed Don-Volga land bridge and the VIII and XI Corps protect hte junctin with the 3rd Rumanian Army in the Don Elbow. Later in the battle, the Rumanian force will take over a large sector of the line so that the VIII can defend the sector between the Volga and the Don and the XIV Panzer and XI Corps can be fully committed to the fighting inside the city. Farther south, the 4th Panzer Army has drawn closer to the southern suburbs, pounding the 64th Army.

With Army Group A bogged down, Hitler relieves Field Marshal List from command of the army group. Instead of appointing a successor, Hitler takes over personal command of the army group, the day-to-day running of the German offensive in this region being added to his responsibilities as head of state, leader of the party and commander in chief of the armed forces.

[ September 7th - September 10th]