Chronology of World War II

September 1942

Wednesday, September 9

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 6 Mosquitos attack Münster, Osnabrück and Bielefeld without a loss.
Evening Ops:
  • 34 aircraft lay mines from Denmark to the Bay of Biscay
    • 1 Lancaster lost.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

3rd Light Bomb Group A-20s provide direct support for Australian ground troops and attack Japanese Army ground troops in the Owen Stanley Mountains. In other action. V Fighter Command strafe targets at Goodenough Island.

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Air Operations, Solomons

Marine Corps F4Fs shoot down 7 G4M 'Betty' bombers and 3 A6M Zeros after intercepting a noon attack on Guadalcanal. 1 F4F is lost in a takeoff accident and 3 other are shot down with the loss of 1 pilot. [rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Diplomatic Relations

Iran declares war on Germany.

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Eastern Front

Hitler sacks Field Marshal Wilhelm List from command of Army Group A for criticizing his Eastern Front Strategy. He is replaced by Gen Paul von Kleist.


The LI Corps moves closer to the Mamayev Kurgan, putting the center of the 62nd Army under pressure. The Soviets are in real danger of disintegration as the Germans deliver hammering blows upon the length of the front before the Volga. On its northern flank, the 62nd Army is assailed by the XIV Panzer Corps, in the center it is under pressure from the LI Corps and to the south is being heavily attacked by the XLVIII Panzer Corp.

Paulus decides to commit his main strength to the battle for the city,while to the north the XIV Panzer Corps protects the exposed Don-Volga land bridge and the VIII and XI Corps protect the junction with the 3rd Rumanian Army in the Don Elbow. Later in the battle, the Rumanian force will take over a large sector of the line so that the VIII can defend the sector between the Volga and the Don and the XIV Panzer and XI Corps can be fully committed to the fighting inside the city. Farther south, the 4th Panzer Army has drawn closer to the southern suburbs, pounding the 64th Army.

With Army Group A bogged down, Hitler relieves Field Marshal List from command of the army group. Instead of appointing a successor, Hitler takes over personal command of the army group, the day-to-day running of the German offensive in this region being added to his responsibilities as head of state, leader of the party and commander in chief of the armed forces.

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English Channel

'Whirlibombers', Whirlwind 2-engined fighter-bombers, sink 2 German armed trawlers near Alderney Island.

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Germany, Command

Hitler relieves Field Marshal Wilhelm List from command of Army Group A for not achieving more (an indication fo the Führer's continuing frustration with his senior army commanders, and his failure to understand military logistics), deciding that he will take personal command of the formation.

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The commander of the Japanese 17th Army, Gen Haruyoshi Hyakutake, lands at Tassafaronga with elements of 2nd Inf Div.

The Japanese send a large force of Bettys to attack mainly shipping in the sound. Marine fighters rise to meet them and shoot down 5 bombers and 3 Zeros. Capt Marion Carl, a 12-plane ace, fails to return. 4 more fighters are gone and 3 pilots are wounded or missing. Fatigue is beginning to take its toll.

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The British make a new landing on the island and occupy Majunga, on the west coast. The object is to ensure the safe passage of the Mozambique Channel.

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Tank Crews Receiving Instruction on the Grant Tank, 9 September 1942

Tank crews receiving instruction

Occupied France

Germans introduce military conscription in Alsace-Lorraine.

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United States, Home Front

A small Japanese aircraft launched from a submarine drops incendiary bombs near Brookings, Oregon, setting a forest on fire. This is the only air attack on US continental territory during the war.

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[September 8th - September 10th]