July 1942

Friday, July 24th

Eastern Front


Vasilevsky proposes a counterattack to defeat the Germans in the Don Elbow. Moskalenko's 1st Tank Army, with 2 tank corps, 1 tank brigade and 1 rifle division, is to attack from Kalach toward Verkhne Buzinovka from where it will strike at Kletskaya. The 4th Tank Army, under Kryuchenkin, is to cross the Don at Kachalinskaya with its 2 tank corps, tank brigade and a rifle division during July 28, push west of Verkhne Golubaya and then link up with the 1st Tank Army. Danilov's 21st Army will also attack from Serfimovich and Kletskaya at 0300 hours on July 27 to break into the rear of the German forces facing the 62nd Army. The 1st and 4th Tank Armies assemble 550 tanks for the attack, many being new T-23 and Kv models, but neither army is up to full strength.

Fighting in Rostoiv intensifies as the NKVD tries to hold on to the Taganrog road bridge. The sheer weight and ferocity of the German attacks force the Soviets to give ground.

The fighting since the start of the German offensive at the end of June has been costly to the Soviets. Bryansk Front's 13th, 40th and 5th Tank Armies have lost 37,000 killed and missing and 29,000 wounded, while the South front has lost 128,000 killed and missing and 65,000 wounded. The new Voronezh Front suffers 43,000 killed and missing and 32,000 wounded in the short period form July 9. The 3 units also have lost 2,400 tanks, 13,700 artillery pieces and 780 aircraft.

[ July 23rd - July 25th]