Chronology of World War II

July 1942

Friday, July 3

Air Operations, Aleutians

7 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s and 2 B-17s attack Kiska and Near islands.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 5 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s based at Hengyang escorted by several 3rd AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s attack the airfield and Nanchang. Several Japanese aircraft are destroyed on the ground and 2 Ki-27 'Nate' fighers are shot down to the loss of 1 P-40 whose pilot is rescued.
  • During the night Japanese aircraft attack Hengyang but fail to hit the airfield.
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Air Operations, East Indies

5th Air Force B-17s attack a Japanese Army barracks at Koepang, Timor.

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Air Operations, Europe


6 Lancasters lay mines in the Great Belt. 2 plane are lost.

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Air Operations, Libya

HALPRO B-24s attach the harbor at Tobruk.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

5th Air Force B-17s attack the airfield at Lae.

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The Lutzow and the Admiral Scheer leave Narvik with a destroyer escort and proceed to join Tirpitz at Altafiord. On the way, however, Lutzow and 3 destroyers run aground.

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Axis Diplomacy

Anti-British leaders of the Egyptian Liberation Movement confer with Rommel at his field headquarters to prepare for the German entry into Cairo. The Axis Powers promise Egypt complete independence and national sovereignty.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • Just outside New York the British anti-submarine trawler Le Tigre sinks U-215 with depth charges.
  • U-215

    ClassType VIID
    CO Kapitänleutnant Fritz Hoeckner
    Location Atlantic, E of Nova Scotia
    Cause Depth charge
    Casualties 48
    Survivors None

  • The US tanker Gulfbelle (7104t) is torpedoed and sunk by U-126 about 21 miles north of Tobago losing 2 crewmen in the explosion. The British destroyer Warwick subsequently tows the Gulfbelle to Trinidad.
  • The US freighter Alexander Macomb (7191t), in convoy BA-2, is torpedoed and sunk by U-215 losing 4 of the 41-man crew and 6 of the 25-man Armed Guard in the attack. The British trawler Le Tiger and the Canadian corvette Regina rescue the survivors.
  • The unarmed US freighter Norlandia (2689t), en route to Nuevitas, Cuba from San Juan, Puerto Rico, is torpedoed and sunk by U-575 losing 9 crewmen.
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Eastern Front

The siege of Sevastopol ends. (when?)Voronezh is taken by the German 4th Panzer Army which then wheels southward along the Don.

The German Heavy 60cm Mortar Thor at Sevastopol

The German Heavy 60cm Mortar <i>Thor</i> at Sebastopol

Gun Turrets Being Destroyed

Gun Turrets Being Destroyed

The XLVIII Panzer Corps reaches the Don west of Voronezh and crosses with strong armored units. Stalin immediately orders the 5th Tank Army to counterattack and seal the gap between the Bryansk and Southwest Fronts, the army being orcered to concentrate south of Yelets.

According to an estimate put out by the 'Foreign Armies East Branch' of the German information service the Russians have lost 7,300,000 men killed, wounded, permanently sick and missing, up to May 1, 1942.

Since, according to this report, the total forces that the USSR can mobilize add up to 17 million men, it is concluded that the potential manpower still available to the Russians is about 9,700,000 men. 7.8 million of these have already been called up, 6 million in the army, 1.5 million in the air force, 300,000 in the navy. Of these 4.5 million are front-line troops. Reserves still available for mobilization are thus about 2 million men. By the same date, says the report, the Russians have lost 60% of their production of coke, with consequent repercussions in their steel output. However, in compensation for this reduced domestic production Russia is receiving considerable help from the Allies. During July 1942 at least 2,800 tanks and thousands of aircraft, trucks and locomotives will reach Murmansk by the Arctic route.

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North Africa

The Italian Ariete Div, attacking toward Alam Nayil, is almost totally destroyed by 2nd New Zealand Div and their supporting artillery. By midday the Ariete Div has only 5 tanks and 2 guns left, a real calamity for Rommel.[MORE]

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The British submarine Truant sinks the Japanese army cargo ship No. 1 Tamon Maru in the Strait of Malacca.

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[July 2nd - July 4th]