Chronology of World War II

June 1942

Monday, June 8

Air Operations, Europe

  • 12 Bostons bomb the Bruges port area without a loss.
  • Essen is the target as 170 aircraft are sent on the raid. Included in the total are 92 Wellingtons, 42 Halifaxes, 14 Stirlings, 13 Lancasters and 9 Hampdens. Bomb loads are again scattered over a wide area as the target is not accurately identified. Only light housing damage is recorded as 13 people are killed and 42 injured. 7 Wellingtons, 7 Halifaxes, 3 Lancasters, 1 Hampden and 1 Stirling are lost.
  • In minor operations, 19 aircraft raid Dieppe, 6 Blenheims on Intruder flights and 1 Stirling makes a leaflet flight. There are no losses.
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Allied Planning

After the successful outcome of the Battle of Midway, Gen MacArthur proposes a limited offensive to re-take the positions lost in the Bismarck Archipelago. His plan is to directed at New Britain and New Ireland. To support this offensive, he requires amphibous-capable forces and aircraft carriers to provide air support. The three divisions he has available, the Australian 7th Division and the 41st and 32nd US Infantry Divisions, are not trained to conduct the kind of amphibious assaults MacArthur has in mine.

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Japanese submarines shell the Australian cities of Newcastle and Sydney. The bombardment is ineffectual, with little significant material damage and no casualties.

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USS West Virginia Floating Again

USS <i>West Virginia</i> Floating Again


The US tanker Franklin K. Lane (6589t), en route to Aruba, N.W.I. in Convoy TA-5, is torpedoed by U-502 about 35 miles northeast of Cape Blanco, Venezuela. 4 crewmen are lost in the attack. 37 that are on board are rescued by the British destroyer HMS Churchill.

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Eastern Front


The LIV Corps renews its attack upon Sevastopol, supported by the VIII Air Corps and massive artillery fire. The Soviet defenses are literally blasted out of the groung by the crusing bombardment, but still progress is disappointingly slow. The first line of Soviet defenses continue to hold up the XXX Corps. Attacks continue over the next few days, the Germans slowly nibbling at the Soviet positions, taking one strong point after another in bloody close-quarters fighting.


At a Stavka session Stalin admits that it has been a mistake to downgrade the Volkhov Front and proposes to reform the front under Meretskov.

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Germany, Home Front

A state funeral for Heydrich is held in Berlin. Himmler eulogizes his former deputy and promises vengeance.

At 15:00 hours, Heydrich's coffin is carried into the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery for the state funeral. Hitler and 600 of Germany's leading officials and industrialists attend to pay homage to him. In addition, there is evidence that the Czech puppet government, headed by President Emil Hácha and his staff, was supporting the Nazi attitude that a great crime had been committed when Heydrich was killed. Hitler bestows upon him the German Order, the highest party and state award, It is well known that Heydrich kept files on all the leading Nazis, even on Hitler himself, and many are relieved to see him dead. However, 50,000 Czech workers march in protest in Prague on the day of the funeral, angry about the assassination. Heydrich is buried with full military honors at the Invalidenfriedhof cemetery.

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North Africa

The battle in the Knightsbridge-Bir Hacheim area could still go either way. The Free French are defending Bir Hacheim bravely, but they have had to give ground, and their supply position is becoming precarious.

German Plane Goes Down During Gazala Campaign

German Plane Goes Down During Gazala Campaign

Rommel leaves the 21st Panzer and Ariete Divs to guard against any renewed attacks by the 8th Army. He sends strong detachments from the 15th Panzer under Lt-Col Ernst-Günther Baade, CO of the 115th Motorozed Infantry Regt, to reinforce the ground attacks on the fortress at Bir Hacheim. The 8th Army is unable to interfere because of the losses suffered the last few days under ABERDEEN.

Hurricanes of No 6 Squadron destroy a number of vehicles including 4 tanks and 3 half-track troop carriers.

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[June 7th - June 9th]