Chronology of World War II

October 1941

Tuesday, October 14th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German auxiliary patrol vessel UJ-1709 is sunk by British bombing west of Lister, Norway.
  • U-206 sinks the British corvette Fleur de Lys escorting Convoy OG-75 55 miles west of Gibraltar with the loss of 72 of her crew. 3 survivors are picked up by a Spanish steamer.
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Eastern Front

All resistance ends in the Vyazma pocket, between Smolensk and Moscow. Panzer units reach Kalinin, 93 miles northwest of Moscow. The Moscow-Leningrad rail line is cut and a bridge over the Volga is captured intact. The Soviet defense between here and Tula, southwest of the capital, is very stubborn, but Moscow admits this portion of the front is deteriorating. West of Moscow, the Germans capture Mozhaysk. In the south, the Russians evacuate Mariupol.


The first snows fall on Leningrad, presaging the onset of winter.


With the temperature plummeting below freezing, the 3rd Panzer Group continues the costly battle for Kalinin. The German penetration threatened the rear of the 22nd, 29th and 31st Armies.

From Mozhaysk Only 100 Kilometers to Moscow

From Mozhaysk Only 100 Kilometers to Moscow

In the center of the Moscow axis, the Germans hit the defending Siberian rifle division before Borodino. The Siberians, with 2 tank brigades in support, launch strong counterattacks that pin down the 4th Army. The Soviets have assembled 14 divisions, 16 tank brigades and 40 rifle regiments, a force of some 90,000 men along the Mozhaisk line. Deployed before Volokoamsk is the 16th Army, 5th Army being to its south at Mozhaisk, the 43rd Army at Maloyaroslavets and the 49th Army near Kaluga. In addition, the 33rd Army is in the process of assembling at Naro-Fominsk.

Farther south, the XXIV Panzer Corps struggles to penetrate the Soviet positions at Mtsensk while the XLVII Panzer Corps attempts to move toward Fatezh.


On the northern wing of Army Group South, the 6th Army takes Akhtyrka.

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[October 13th - October 15th]