Chronology of World War II

October 1941

Monday, October 13th

Air Operations, Europe

The RAF conduct its first massive bombing raid on Nuremberg.

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Baltic Sea

The Russian submarine Shch-323 attacks the German cruiser Köln and 7 merchant ships over a period of 3 weeks but sinks only 1 of the merchant ships.

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Eastern Front

The Soviet forces are driven out of Vyazma and the resistance of the nearby pocket is almost over. The Luftwaffe make violent raids on railway communications round Moscow. Pressure by Army Group Center on Moscow continues, but the Russians defend the Mozhaysk line very vigorously.

The Luftwaffe bomb railways in the area around Moscow.


The Soviet High Command orders the evacuation of Hiiumaa. Forces are to be evacuated to Hanko.


The 3rd Panzer Group fights its way into Kalinin, caving in the Kalinin Group's front. The 29th Army attempts to block the Kalinin sector with its 8 rifle divisions. On the left wing, Rzhev falls to the 1st Panzer Division.

Inside the Vyasma pocket, Rokossovsky fights his way east with a command column of the 16th Army. Lukin is captured. On the Bryansk Front sector, Eremenko is wounded during a German air strike and has to be evacuated. Zakharov takes command of the front.

Farther south, the West Front has dug in along the Mozhaisk position. Using limited forces from the High Command reserve, the Soviets place 4 rifle divisions and 4 tank brigades on the line. Fighting immediately erupts at Mozhaisk as the Germans strike the 32nd Rifle Division. Intense fighting also rages west of Borovsk as the 43rd Army fights to hold off the Germans.


Due to bad weather, Army Group South has come to a standstill. Many divisions are stuck in the mud, awaiting the onset of the cold weather to solidify the sodden ground and return a modicum of mobility. However, the cold willl bring with it a whol set of new problems for the badly equipped Ostheer. With fifty percent of its transport arm already out of action, Army Group South is hamstrung. Supplies of all essential items are running extremely low.

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Occupied Holland

Gen Gerardus J. Berenschot, commander of the Dutch East Indies Army, is killed in a plane crash. He was 54.

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[October 12th - October 14th]